Главная Motivation of staff in the innovation business
Motivation of staff in the innovation business Печать E-mail

It is well known that motivation directly influences the quality of the work of both individuals and the team as a whole. Any leader interested in the positive direction of motivation of staff coincided with goals guide the organization.

The motivational schemes Authors are based typically on the experience of sustained long-standing structures. What is the motivation of the new features that have emerged in the years post reforms businesses especially innovative?

Approaches to the motivational management in young private firms are substantially different from the use of stable "average" organizations which naturally: the leaders of new enterprises are forced to navigate the first steps in the logic of the market. In addition, private companies are not burdened traditions and more creative in working with the staff. The specificity of the innovation business predetermines a high level of qualification of personnel, as well, respectively and a more complex system of methods attracts and retains employees.

Staff policy of innovative companies of strategic importance: their specialization determines the necessity of forming teams of highly qualified specialists. 

The difference between innovation organizations are in position on the labor market. If the majority of private companies enticed staff from matching profile organizations the innovative manufacturing business (because its still small "representation") as an employer to compete primarily with the academic and applied research (budget scientific and industrial organizations).

Experience in budget scientific organizations formed a human specific professional attitudes and values, they are highly motivated to work only partly supported by financial incentives. Private business can take revenge for the satisfaction of material demands but in the future inevitably raises a problem harmonization of social, professional and personal motivation specialist.

Redistribution of the intellectual skills of science and industry it is characteristic not only for national scientific and technological environment. The social space of science traditionally seen as more attractive compared to the production area. Each country has its institutional features that affect the interaction between research institutes and industry. It is believed that the most significant impact on reducing the cultural and informational distance between them has a commercial orientation of science: it is the shorter, more intensely than the migration of skilled personnel between the university and industrial sectors. Such labor mobility is stimulated by "fork rewards": the difference between the potential loss of social prestige (status of the academic employee) and tangible material acquisitions.

There is no exception in Russia created its system of relations of science and industry. In recent decades the Soviet era "distance" between pure science and industrial area was very noticeable. Significant difference in pay does not exist but the moral dividends received by researchers and teachers were much higher than that of producers. The transition from the profile institution or research unit in the university into plant research sector is perceived as a "downward" professional mobility. Such conditional distance continues today thanks in no small measure contributed to the crisis state of the industry. As the major investment in upgrading domestic enterprises have not been made an alternative to science for the scientific and technical expertise (in their own country) does not exist.

Renewal of innovative activity in the domestic economy, the emergence of high-tech companies is preparing the ground for mass movements of skilled workers. When you minimize the budgetary crisis deepens academic and industrial research institutes. However, with virtually no state support is manufacturing enterprises often initiate and fund innovation. As evidenced by statistics the source of funds (albeit small) that are spent in the industry for innovation are the internal resources of enterprises.

Let us analyze the experience of engaging researchers in focusing on the production of innovative firms in the sample FPO "New transportation technologies" which was created by combining a group of scientists and research sector of IIA small private structures specializing in challenges related to rail transport. The main innovation product of our company is electric commuter upgrading to a new technological basis. 
The first phase of cooperation with scientists made the final choice in favor of the company only after a long engagement on the contract terms. Designers attracted scientific and technological issues, working conditions, relationships with the leadership style. Former interim group performed the task order and subsequently became a think tank for the design department FPO.

The economic effect of such structures is directly related to the impact of innovation and hence employment impact specialists. What kind of emphasis in staff motivation?


There is special microclimate in a young company. The intensification of work associated with the period of formation is stimulated by a sense of staff involvement in the creation of the organization, development of corporate norms and traditions. People are attracted by the career opportunities associated with the emergence of new directions in a fast-growing structure. At the same time, the status of the new structure expands the horizons of employment. It therefore seems logical to lay the organizational ideology “perspectives” effect. It is, for example, can be appealed at the conclusion of employment agreements and management of domestic social problems. As the relative stability to encourage appropriate institutional dynamism, setting new benchmarks in the team and supporting them in energy development. Implementing such an approach is a good basis to go to the "growth management" - management aimed at development in the long run.


As already noted, the scope of social science and the realization of the scope of the private manufacturing business were substantially different. We assumed that unreasonably restrict severely the scope of design professions within a company even giving them a significant package of material benefits. Unrealized academic and social ambitions are able to weaken the motivation of the employee.

Our know-how in the organization of personnel work is the maximum preservation of the social and academic space in which rotated a specialist before coming to a private company. In fact, this principle is a compromise between the demands of professionals and concessions from management FPO. As a result, the organization received a substantial benefit. Construction elite chose not to break with the institution within which it grew. Many continue in parallel scientific career: lead, though not in the earlier volumes, to teach, serve on scientific and practical conferences, defended the thesis based on internal development. Do designers retained contacts with colleagues in the Institute, former status and "Backs" - the opportunity to return to science.

What a private company received from the grace of its running time leading expert? First, the success of innovation is extremely important to collaborate with external research institutions as sources of information. Permanent makeup ideas occur not only through publications studying but also through informal meetings with fellow scientists. Secondly, close contact with the institute allows us to solve staffing problems, selecting future employees from among the talented students. For example, one of them, have held practices at the company after the institution quickly fit into the team and within a short period "grew up" to the head of the department.

A significant motivating factor is foreign travel. Company sends forward-looking researchers to the training and short courses in European countries (Germany, Holland, Switzerland). In recent years it has become a regular participation of representatives of the international Conference on the Hanover high technology. The quality of our developments and the level of recognition in the professional world and demonstrates that fact: experts attending the conference, and often at the expense of grants Western scientific foundations.


The qualitative composition of the staff of the innovative organization requires customized personnel policies. This is the dialogue of head with the individuals not from a unified staff. In intellectual activity is a personal aspect plays a decisive role. Because of the high skills and awareness of their own "exclusive" researcher initially ambitious. However, our organization has no less ambitious if you bear in mind its strategic goals. Given these factors should aim to optimally combine the personal and corporate interests.

Personalization serves a variety of forms - from the financial compensation to participate in decision-making.

Personalization as a management style also means the minimization of control and a high degree of confidence in the self-design staff. It is desirable to provide some organizational freedom to lead the staff, if possible, move them into virtual modes of communication: communicating via a computer or mobile phone. Proactive and creative people are able to organize their working day focusing not on developing human-hours but the end result - the product knowledge. 

The autonomy of the leading designers in the framework of our organization also extends to the planning of overseas study tours and participation in conferences sponsored by the firm. Only an expert can determine the need for information during the recharge of a trip abroad, he is responsible to their colleagues and the leadership of the impact of this trip.


Many sociological studies document the preferred professionals orientation not to climb on the administrative ladder and to enhance the status of expert. In other words, most scientists lacked the classic vertically-career ambitions related ultimately to the inescapable professionalism lost and retraining in the net manager. Professionals prefer to work in the specialty and also be sure to grow in the qualifier against.

Before the leadership of innovative firms face two problems related to the regulation of career motivation: development of the "horizontal" career options, the alternative "vertical", ensuring their staff perceptions of equal value and prestige.

If a person has a creative quality and offers something fundamentally new solved issue of increasing his remuneration, as well as Subordinate situation. Moreover, subordination, as a rule, does not extend beyond the peer hierarchy. Or call a specialist at the head of a temporary creative groups, i.e., in fact, recognize him to be think-tank of the group or his designate responsible for a specific project. Horizontal career runs in the same job under the same frames (not legally formalized) but the satisfaction of such horizontal displacements gives a strong professional motivational impetus.


Perhaps, there is no citizenship, which in varying degrees are not affected by the problem of country visits and who did not realize would be that it requires a radical solution. The feeling of involvement in the case, it is useful to the industry, the country cannot influence job satisfaction. The management company is seeking to take into account this factor in promoting the practice. Thus, the State Prize received one of our developments we have divided between the executors of the project. In this situation, the bonus payment has acquired different connotation people received money from the state, which thus expressed their attitude to their work.

Alexei Lamani, FPO "New transportation technologies" President



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