Bonanza literacy and employment |
Why are we talking about expanding the team? Because now is the time.Yes, the market is already released or soon to be released a lot of professionals. If it were not for the crisis many of them have not appeared for years on the job market. And now the first panicked companies reduced their staff or destroyed and thereby make you a gift for the New Year. And now you can upgrade your team. That is to replace those who do not bring us the desired results for those who have. Really to get rid of "old" to enjoy its exceptional position in the company and your fear that you have nobody replace them. Now there is someone. Therefore now you need to spread your network to catch all the "goldfish" in the labor market. But whether all the fish are "gold"? Oh, not all! Just the other day I was recruiting out for one client - from 10 candidates we took only two. And this is despite the fact that the primary drop-outs have gone before. The main task of the staff can be formulated as follows: To provide business with necessary quantity of suitable personnel and ensure the maximum benefit from the staff at the lowest reasonable cost to it. It means to ensure the company independence of the specific staff members.Plant requires tools business - the people. A main indicator (KPI) in the field of personnel management is only one: Profit per employee. Others - are secondary. Compare the "profit per employee" of his company's competitors - and you will see where the management staff built better. Sometimes the difference is many times over. So how to select the most efficient candidates in the labor market who are will be successful in the future staff? First of all you need to make sure that was what to choose. And with a large margin because drop-outs will occur at all stages. How can this be achieved? It is unlikely that I will open you to something new when I say that only a few ways: - Deliver the media announcement of the hiring - Contact those candidates who have posted your resume - Looking for relatives, friends, acquaintances - Contact the recruitment agencies - Head-hunting In my experience very few companies doing the above things effectively. Let detail the most effective way - accommodation vacancies and work with the incoming stream of candidates. At the first you should define who you are looking for. I.e. most detailed description of the requirements for the post for which you want to hire staff. Then complex than your company could be attractive to the candidate. Make a large and attractive ad. Noticeable on the background of your competitors, i.e. other companies are also looking for staff We should not to be lazy and debris ads all trust the media. Yes, it costs money and time but have a bad staff - much worse. Then came calls and e-mail from applicants. Develop a standard dialogue to be conducted with the candidate and call a standard response to his letter. It - friendly welcome please send a resume, an invitation to tender, the message is the place, date and time of the contest. For a couple of days before the competition when a summary of accumulated quite a lot head scans and sorts them taking a decision on who he would like to see on the contest. Then Secretary calls those who have passed this first round of selection, to recall the contest. So, a day of competition becomes. Note that many companies do not hold a competition limited to interviews. And get what they are: the set of "suitcase without a handle which just took your job and spend your money. How to effectively organize a competition? To begin with you should to develop a script. And for that we should clearly understand what you want from the candidate. If you remember earlier we described the requirements for the position (the formal requirements for the post, knowledge, skills, personality traits)? That it is. Under each requirement must be a way to evaluate it. For knowledge are tests for the skills and personality traits business games of all kinds. The key point - people can talk about yourself that you want and it is to believe in myself. He can convince you of this. But he cannot do business in the game what he cannot do that it is not typical. That is, cheat you, you can interview. And in the game is almost unreal. For example, we have decided that the seller should be easy to convince, the head - have the charisma, and an analyst - to make complex calculations in Excel. Here it is necessary to invent as evaluated. Naturally there are games should be several each jurisdiction is desirable to evaluate at least two ways. In the role of appraisers necessarily a future leader of staff a specialist in HR the leaders of related departments. So commission. The assessment will be objective and your company has representation in the eyes of the candidate. So, it is a possible scenario. Of course, it depends on the position, etc. Candidates come to the designated time all candidates are placed in one room, give them to fill in questionnaires and where appropriate, tests. The representative of the company's management makes the opening speech where a brief but piercing spoke of the merits of the company, its big plans, etc. Then - Phase summary of preliminary interviews. You take turns to call the candidates in a room where a "meets" The Commission. For a couple of minutes you'll have a general impression about the person and weed out the most unsuitable. There comes a time of business games and difficult professional tests. Here you spend 3 to 7 rounds depending on the importance of the position for which you want to take the officer or director. You may invite an external consultant to assess. At the end of each game the candidate or go to the next round or retire. If so, surely but correctly and kindly notify. And here you have the best. What it will be a percentage of the total number of candidates - it is not known. Sometimes 1/3, sometimes 1/10 or 1/20. If you have a "catch" then now is the time to talk individually with each hero. Clarify the more deeply you are interested in things tell more about the work ahead. If all are satisfied with both sides - it's time to move on to the next stage. Tell him about the motivation system. Of course, it is good if most of the money is not just a staff member receives a salary and have to earn to achieve your objectives are met. Only in this case you get really managed staff. There is an axiom: in the negotiations he who first called the price always loses. Therefore, first find out the expectations of the applicant. What amount of money per month for a desirable candidate but there - reasonable. This gives you a basis for further bargaining. Discuss the conditions for the probationary period. It must be: the only way you can find people in the business. Remind the candidate on all the merits of the company and positions but also about the hardships of future work. Then ask him whether he understood all the above the work for you. If you hear a firm "YES" the talk when he is ready to go to your work. If in doubt, leave 5-15 minutes to think about. From your walls, it should come up with any solution. So, a positive decision is made. Next is the adaptation of the staff member and a probationary period. Your task is to make the entry to companies maximize smooth. Agree, a shame to lose it the search for what you spent so much force. Necessarily have to teach a beginner and give him a mentor constantly monitors the results of his work and correct mistakes.Of course, the competitions you are going to hold again and again. Business is growing and requires all new people. And on some type of manager positions sales people always need. And now, when you are in the company of a "young blood" you can critically evaluate the "old" employees. Naturally the results of labor but not "like - not like him." And take appropriate action. Especially now, in a crisis. In fact, I recall the main challenge in the field of personnel management - to get maximum return on staff. And if you fire someone you make it even better: a man would have a chance to "learn a lesson" which he did not learn "by working with you. Become a better, stronger, smarter. Long live the survival of the fittest!
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