Главная Independent building examination
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Both Russian and world experience show that at a modern technological level of a civilization steady development of the country is impossible without corresponding or even outstripping development of means and methods of diagnostics and quality, reliability, safety and building power efficiency examination, industrial and other objects.

The importance and demand of building examination grow in connection with the was outlined tendency of growth of number failures, ageing of a fixed capital, increase in total of building and technical objects, especially, new materials created with the help and technologies.

Necessity of building examination is connected also to change of structure of the market of building materials and services, occurrence in great volumes of counterfeit and poor-quality production, discrepancy of qualification of experts to a modern level of development of the technologies, insufficient validity of decisions on operation of buildings, constructions, the equipment.

The independent expert appraisal of construction or repair is an estimation of conformity of actual parameters of construction or repair to the set parameters (to the project, the contract, the estimate). The given estimation is carried out by the specialized organization independent of subjects that has ordered examination. Occurrence of such complex of services as examination of civil work is connected also in many respects by that in modern Russia there is a huge amount of the building companies, but is far from being all companies with the responsibility concern to carried out work. Besides the majority of small civil engineering firms have no personnel and tools-methodical opportunities for system quality assurance.

As a rule, carrying out of building examinations allows to avoid destructions or deformations of buildings that subsequently can arise owing to use of poor-quality materials.

One of directions of independent building examination is quality assurance of construction. Most frequently it is possible to face a situation when poor executed work, latent defects have an effect after a while, from a month about several years. Examination of construction allows avoiding similar situations. If to lead an independent expert appraisal of construction, to check up quality of construction and amounts of executed works if there are concrete claims to builders — the judgement of construction becomes the major argument in dispute with the builder. The documents made during carrying out of examination of construction, are the basis for presentation of claims at an official level.

Building examination of buildings — building and technical inspection of buildings for revealing their current technical condition before reconstruction, capital repairs, purchase of a building or for other purposes. Tool inspection of buildings and engineering systems by methods of not destroying control, detailed inspection of designs of a building and bearing ground ability under a subfoundation is carried out both visual and so on.

Building examination of a building allows eliminating the reasons of occurrence of defects instead of expensive struggle against investigations. By results of inspection recommendations on amplification and are given out to the further operation of a surveyed building. Duly carrying out of independent building examination of a building and elimination of the revealed defects allow to increase considerably term of operation and to slow down processes of destruction.

Complex building examination within the framework of which it is made warm-vision inspection of a building is if necessary carried out (if necessary spent), actual losses of heat through protecting designs pay off,  thermal insulation defects come to light.

Technical inspection building designs (the base, overlappings, a roof, walls) — is made for definition of their carrying ability, defects and damages, an opportunity of the further operation or quality of manufacturing when it is necessary to increase loading by overlapping, carrying ability of a design if there was a failure raises the doubts and it is required to carry out expert engineering calculation or to execute the project of strengthening. Examination includes the data of tool inspection with use of laboratory researches of samples of materials and calculations for strengthening of carrying ability of building designs, superstructures of floors, etc.

Definition of the caused damage. Independent judicial building examination of the real estate will help to estimate the put damage, if an apartment (the house, the summer residence, office) to burn out malefactors, have flooded neighbours, were damaged with elements if as a result of repair in the next premise there were cracks and defects. The report of building - technical expert appraisal also will give the recommendation on elimination of the arisen defects, and becomes the major argument in dispute if attitudes are found out in court.

Other variants of application of independent building examination: an estimation of quality, cost, amounts of works and the applied building materials for definition (a substantiation, reduction, increase) full cost of designing, construction (repair or furnish); definition of the reasons of damages of the real estate (destruction, failure and etc); inspection of objects for drawing up of claims (applications, statements...); examination of the design - budget documentation; an estimation and drawing up of independent estimates; development of the executive documentation in construction (repair); works as the contractor are executed qualitatively and in time, but the customer of them does not accept and does not pay off; analysis of the conclusions of the expert organizations.

Material has prepared by Olga Gajdukova

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