Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
Government of Murmansk Region
Knipovich Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanog
The North Chamber of Commerce and Industry
15-16 March 2007 Murmansk
Fisheries in the North Atlantic: Reality and Prospects: Summaries of presentations of the International Conference. - Murmansk: PINRO Press, 2007. - 73 pp. ISBN 5-86349-148-5
The summaries submitted to the International Conference on Fisheries in the North Atlantic cover problems of present state and development of the North Atlantic fisheries including international cooperation, legal and legislative basis, prospects for fisheries resources, technical and technological support of fisheries, renovation of fishing fleet.
Editor-in-chief B. F. Prishchepa
Hubold G. ICES as a Provider of Independent Scientific Advice on Marine Living Resources and the Environment
Hoydal К. NEAFC: Regional cooperation in fisheries and the NEAFC framework
Kvitsinsky Y. A. Status of the Spitsbergen archipelago and the surrounding waters
Fragueiro J. С. М. Problems and international legal bases for fishing in the Spitsbergen (Svalbard) area
Nordsletten O. Common challenges and legal certainties
Matthiasson S. I. The Icelandic management system: structure and function
Rettingen I. The use of harvest control rules in the management of Barents Sea Fisheries
Stepakhno G. V. Problems of international law related to fisheries in the Barents and Norwegian Seas
Zilanov V.K. New challenges in the management of old fish resources in the North east Atlantic
Pastoors M. Status of fish stocks in the Northeast Atlantic
Drevetnyak K.V., Kovalev Yu.A., Lepesevich Yu.M., Prischepa B.F., Shamray E.A., Shevelev M.S. Exploitation of living marine resources in the Barents and Norwegian Seas: Evolution of management strategy
Sigurjonsson J., Sigurdsson Th. The importance of scientific knowledge in securing long-term utilization of fish resources
Titov О.V., Lepesevich Yu.M., Tarasov N.A., Pedchenko A.P. Climate change and prospects of fisheries in the Barents Sea and adjacent Arctic seas
Rodin A.V. Seasonal variations in water circulation in the southwestern Barents Sea and their consequences for fish distribution
Bogstad В., Gjesaeter H. Age-based analytic assessment tools as basis for fish stock assessment
Gjesaeter H. Illegal unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing - what are the consequences?
Vasilyev D., Tjelmeland S. History and modern state of stock assessment methodology for Norwegian spring spawning herring
Borisov V.M. Are the relatively constant values of TAC for cod and haddock biologically founded?
Maage A., Hove H., Julshamn К. Monitoring seafood safety in Norwegian fisheries
Dedkov N. P. Metrological maintenance of navigation and protection of bioresources
Molina L.G. Mechanisms of the Spanish shipyards through PYMAR for the renewal of the Russian fishing fleet
Romanov V., Egorov E. On the current state and development trends of fishing fleet to be operated in the Northeastern Atlantic
Yakovlenkov E.A., Chernook V.I., Sverdlov A.L. Levashov D.E. Main approaches to design of a new Russian research vessel for North Atlantic
Unpublished articles