Главная Status of fish stocks in the northeast Atlantic
Status of fish stocks in the northeast Atlantic Печать E-mail

Martin Pastoors
Chair of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fisheries Management (ACFM) International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), H.C. Andersens
Boulevard 44-46, DK-1553 Copenhagen V, Denmark

ICES provides advice on the status of around 150 fish stocks in the Northeast Atlantic.

The precautionary approach forms the basis of the advice although the Johannesburgh agreement (WSSD 2002) will cause a reorientation of management and advice towards long term management targets.

In this contribution, we present an overview of stock status in the Northeast Atlantic based on the available precautionary reference points. We show how the stock status has changed over the last 10 years and develop some proposals for metrics to evaluate the quality of the stock assessments and forecasts that underpin the advice.



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