Metrological maintenance of navigation and protection of bioresources |
DEDKOV N. P. With a view of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, economy of the Russian Federation from negative consequences of doubtful results of measurements have been passed the law «About maintenance of unity of measurements» from 4/27/1993 №4871-1, harmonized with requirements of the International organization of legislative metrology (OIML). The Russian Federation and Norway are members of OIML in which documents necessity of checking of devices (D12 the edition 1986, «Fields of use of measuring instruments subject to verification» §.5) is registered.According to the charter of the given organization the international legislation is prevailing above national. Realization of maintenance of unity of measurements is spent to the Russian Federation through system of certificates. Metrological rules in which procedures of application of norms of the law and the order of interaction of the state metrological service and the owner of maintained means of measurements (Rules of metrology 50.2.006-94 Order of carrying out of checking of means of measurements) are registered concern to documents of direct action GOSTs. Total of the devices applied at the enterprises of Murmansk area, 400 thousand units makes nearby. From them enters into sphere of distribution of the state metrological control and supervision and are a subject to checking nearby 190 thousand unit of means of measurements. At the enterprises the control over potentially dangerous processes from the ecological point of view is conducted at use of instrumentations. To trust indications of controlling and measuring apparatus it is possible only under condition of the control of their work over the independent state metrological centers accredited on the right of checking. Questions of metrological maintenance are reflected in courts in «Rules of classification survey of courts» Russian sea Register of navigation, item 5.5. According to Rules, means of measurements, devices and the tool, applied on courts for the control of parameters of objects of supervision and carrying out of gaugings, should have brands and/or documents on acknowledgement of their checking by competent bodies. At classification освидетельствованиях inspectors check timeliness of checking the controlling and measuring apparatus under documents and/or brands of expert. The developed situation in sphere of maintenance of unity of measurements, safety of navigation and preservation of the environment causes in us concern.Murmansk CSM has created uniform base of the account of courts which contains the developed and staticized information on each vessel and the ship-owner. Per 2006 a number of checks on observance of the current legislation by the various navigable companies was spent. State inspectors of "Department of the state control and supervision in Murmansk area" take part in the given work in territory of Russia, as experts of Murmansk CSM. In foreign ports of check representatives of the "Norwegian Maritime Directorate", also with attraction of experts of our organization spend. 20 courts both in Norway, and in Russia have been checked up. 15 infringements (75 %) since inspectors went on those vessels which on registration data have problems with execution of the legislation of the Russian Federation are revealed. The Most part of the checked up courts had remarks, roughest of which are operation of means of the measurements which are being sphere of the state control and supervision without checking. For such ship-owners we inform, that absence of reaction from their party on our letters and applications with offers to result a situation with metrological maintenance of manufacture according to the law compels us to transfer the given data in supervising bodies (the state supervision and Office of Public Prosecutor) for acceptance of measures. One of the questions, arising during spent controls at courts, this presence of "the List of means of the measurements which are a subject checking in bodies of the state metrological service» which are necessary for making according to the current legislation. After check of correctness and completeness of these documents experts Murmansk CSM all means of measurements according to the list should be are included in the schedule of annual checking reflecting an intertesting interval, and also terms of its realization. It is necessary to direct the schedule of checking to territorial body of the state metrological service. Frequently, these requirements are not executed. Though on the basis of article 25 «About maintenance of unity of measurements» the-legal responsibility is provided criminal, administrative or civil. Preservation of bioresources of our northern seas directly is connected with preservation of the environment. Operation of ship mechanisms without the adequate control of parameters leads to an output of units out of operation, that is in turn directly connected with safety of navigation, and also with safety of work and preservation of the environment. In sphere of distribution of the law the process equipment, for example also gets: balance and weights by means of which the account of the caught bioresources according to a quota is provided. Specificity of work of sea, river and fishery fleet defines necessity of application of such means of navigation which with a minimum of expenses would provide satisfaction of the modern and perspective requirements shown by consumers in any area of Globe. Use on transport courts of devices for definition of an exact site, (receivers of satellite navigating signals) which indications have a known error, provides safe transportation of oil and extraction of bioresources. Per 2006 experts of the Center lead checking 30 ships receivers of satellite navigating systems GPS/GLONASS on the courts attributed to Murmansk seaport. CONCLUSIONS: 1. It is necessary to spend the coordinated world policy in the field of preservation of bioresources of Northern seas. 2. The decision of a question of preservation of bioresources is impossible at ignoring legislative base of safety of navigation and maintenance of unity of measurements. FISHERY IN NORTH ATLANTIC: REALITY AND PROSPECTS
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