Главная NEAFC: regional cooperation in fisheries and the NEAFC framework
NEAFC: regional cooperation in fisheries and the NEAFC framework Печать E-mail

Kjartan Hoydal
Secretary of North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC),
22 Berners Street, London, UK

The power point presentation will focus on the regional cooperation in managing fisheries in the North-East Atlantic to provide sustainable economic, environmental and social benefits. The 5 Contracting Parties of NEAFC, Denmark (in respect of the Faroe Islands and Greenland), the EU, Iceland, Norway and the Russian Federation cooperate, both as coastal states of various stocks and at the NEAFC level.

The network of regional fisheries bodies globally and the relationship between the national EEZs and regional management organisation.

Bringing all fisheries in the NEAFC Regulatory area under management, developing and enhancing the institutional framework and bringing into place the proper tools for monitoring, surveillance and control, so the measures agreed by NEAFC parties are properly enforced, will be described.

Details of amendments to the NEAFC Convention, the Scheme of Control and Enforcement and the battle against IUU fishing will be presented.




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