Basis of effective development of oil and gas resources of Barents-Kara shelf Печать E-mail


JSC «Marine Arctic Geological Expedition», Russia
VNIIOkeangeologiya, Russia

The Russian priorities of contemporary energy policy in the Arctic region are connected with development of continental shelf areas, first of all, Barents and Kara seas.

That is why the creation of multifunctional scientific and informational bases for effective and environmentally safe development of hydrocarbon resources of the West Arctic shelf of Russia is the very significant state task. The «Sheet set of the state geological maps of Russia, scale 1:1000 000"( State geological maps -1000) of Barents and Kara shelves, created by means of contemporary geoinformation technologies presents a complex bases for prospecting and bank of fundamental knowledge for geological science.

This task has been performed by JSC «Marine Arctic Geological Expedition» by means of scientific and methodical support of the Ail-Russian research geological institute of mineral resources of the World Ocean. The considerable contribution to the mapping was made by specialists of Polar Marine Geological expedition, Cental Kola Expedition, Arctic Marine Engineering-geological Expeditions and of Murmansk biological institute.

From 1993 to 2003 the following sheets were compiled and published: R-(35)-37-Murmansk (2000); S-38-40- Matochkin Shar (1999); S-(36), 37- Barents Sea (2000); R-38-40- Kolguev (2003), which cover the most perspective in hydrocarbons Barentz shelf areas, entering now in economical development. The sheet S-41-43 - Belyi (2002) was composed and approved by Editorial council on geological cartography of the Ministry of Natural Resources. A new advanced version of the State Geological Map is under process now ("the third generation"). The first sheet of shelf maps of the third generation - T-37-40- Franz Joseph Land (South Islands) is approved for publishing in February of 2004, the work on sheet T-41-44-cape Wishes is being completed.

The main distinction of the third generation Map Series is that all the data are presented in the form of GIS-projects, which integrate the cartographical matter and banks of the initial information. The presentation of the information in geographical coordinates makes it possible to transfer the maps to the any given projection, scaling, generalization of objects and broadens the ability of the data for solution of different applied tasks.

The unification of graphical materials of some projects and also of the initial databases in the geoinformational space allows to create the summary, subject GIS-projects characterizing in detail the geological construction of the region: including the genesis and thickness of Cenozoic deposits, the lithologic composition of contemporary bottom deposits and the environmental conditions.

The complete GIS-pack of the data composing an every sheet of the State geological map-1000 includes the following components:

1. Main maps and charts: the geological map, the map of quaternary deposits,
map of natural resources, lithological map of bottom sediments, tectonic, geomorphological, hydrogeological environmental charts, the chart of oil-and-gas content;

2. Additional maps: physiographic map, maps of geophysical anomalies, structural maps on seismic reflectors;

3. Bases of the initial and reference information in tables, charts or text.

The database comprises the initial information and metadata, grouped according to the types of investigation, hi addition to the table information, the factual data are included to the database in the form of graphic or text prepared for visualization: acoustic time section-fragments of sonograms of side scan hydrolocation; fragments of seismic time section, field description of sediments on the stations of bottom sampling; lithological columns, columns of boreholes sections.

On the whole, the structure of the GIS «State geological map-1000» is a number of independent subject GIS-projects, connected between each other by means of usage of general subjects and also with database, from which each project carries the specific information for every final map.

The various information, contained in database is connected to the points of bottom sampling station, to the lines of seismic and acoustic profiles, points of physical observations. Some topics of investigation are duplicated in main subject Projects with the usage of standard instruments Arc View GIS. The binding of table analytic data, field descriptions, lithological columns and seismic images of wave to the field of subject map increases the data comprehension, helps in map construction and in judging of their validity.

The binding of additional graphic and text materials to the subject Projects is carried out by means of «hot connection». This is first of all initial geological and geophisical data-seismic images of wave fields (seismic and geoacoustic sections, sonograms), field description of sediments. Secondly these are graphic data, obtained in the process of initial data interpretation (lithological columns, columns of wells).

In the most of Projects different types of data were used from independent tables. The data are visualized in the map field by means of «table connection», which allows for the object to get all the additional information, included to the database.

The information tables were used in the Projects on maps and charts of oil- and- gas content. They give the additional information about the distribution of probable hydrocarbon resources at oil-and-gas bearing strata of the sedimentary cover, initial summary oil and gas resources at provinces and also characterize perspective local structures.

The information tables to the forecast maps contain also the information on productive strata of deposits, phase type of deposits, collecting properties, depths of deposition, oil-saturated thickness, oil and gas composition, oil reserve, gas condensate, free and attenuated gas and a lot of other operation factors. Each of tables is connected with others, which allows getting proper information about any field.

GIS gives the possibility of analytical and statistics calculation. Separate blocks of diagrams are dynamically connected with tables and show, for example, the oil or gas composition, reserves in deposits. The proportion of some operation factors can be demonstrated with the help of localized diagrams in the field of the map, for example, geological and extractive reserves in deposits or the structure of deposits (proportion of extractive oil reserves, gas condensate, free and attenuated gas). It is possible to show distribution of probable resources of hydrocarbon according to provinces, size and structure of reserves in deposits, the current condition of the local structure fond.

The informational system also presents the forecast potential of local structures on the basis of comparative analysis of the certain set of characteristics. The data in informational tables allows choosing the local structures according to those horizons of sedimentary cover, which correspond to the most productive deposit layers, located in structure zones of the same type.

The material of GIS-set sheets of State geological map of the Russian Federation-scale 1:1000000 compose scientific and factual basis of optimal organization of expensive development process of large oil and gas basin, comparative with the West Siberia, the initial summary resources of which are estimated as 88.2 billion, promoting the investments attraction for infra structure and economic complex development of the North-West region of Russia.



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