JSC "GAZPROM" exploration work results on the Arctic shelf and hydrocarbon raw materials new deposits perspectives |
NIKITIN В A, VOVK V.S., MANDEL A.Y., KHOLODILOV VA Sea bosom of Russia have huge gas and oil industries unassimilated raw material base. Gas, condensate and oil initial entire life amount upwards of 45% its total volume on the shelf of the World Ocean. In 1994 JSC "Gazprom" established trade shop LLC "Gazflot" for exploration work and deposits development on the shelf that continues new hydrocarbon deposits survey in the North Seas. For 10-year period LLC "Gazflot" performed huge volume of exploration work on the Arctic shelf as a result new deposits were stuck and oil and gas stock were increased. Exploration work main volumes were in the Pechora Sea and Ob and Tazov Bays area of water fthe Kara Sea). For this period seismic operations volume 2-Д amounted 8402.5 miming km. 3-Д-953,1 km2..deep wells 23759 in (12 wells were drilled), engineering-geological surveys were performed on 19 sites. As a result 7 oil and gas deposits were struck. Three oil deposits were struck in the Pechora Sea-Varandey. Medynskoye-sea and Dolginskoye with bank category C'+C2 about 350 mln.toil, hi Ob and Tazov Bays area of water four deposits with gas stock in senomanian deposits were struck at depths 1000-1200 m. two of them are big-Kamennomyskoye-sea and Severo-Kameimomyskoye and two small Obskoye and Chugoriyakliinskoye. with gas total stocks about 800 billion m3. In 2000-2003 JSC "Gazprom" got certificates on pioneer discovery fact of four deposits-Dolginskoye. Severo-Kameimomysskoye, Kameimomysskoye-sea and Obskoye. Taking into consideration that in Ob and Tazov Bays industrial gas content of some objects and its nearness to developing Yamburg gaseous condensate are confirmed and also high estimate of localized resources 2,4 tril.in3 in central part of bays (30% of those ones were explored). JSC "Gazprom" concentrated main volumes of geological surveyance in this region. In 2004-2010 it is planned to complete Severo-Kamennomysskogo. Kamennomysskogo-sea, and Ob sky gas deposits survey and begin its inputting in development. Main exploration will be concentrated on Aderpayutinskoy and Yuzhno-Obskoy sites and also on Semakovskom and Antipayutinskom gas deposits. Additional exploration of Kharasaveisky deposit marine part will be performed. In the Pechora Sea it is planned to continue Dolginskoye oil deposit survey. Operations on the Arctic shelf on raw materials base development and replenishment will contribute greatly in reaching one of JSC "Gazprom" strategic aims-security of year-on year increase hydrocarbon stock exceeding annual output level.
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