Estimation of Barents Sea hydrocarbon resources on complex deep geophysical surveys |
MATVEEV YU.I., VERBA M.L, ROSLOV YU.V., IVANOV G.I. The essence of the concept of basic geophysical profiles consists in reception of complete representation about the Earth crust structure in large geological province from the uppermost horizons sedimentary cover up to a surface top mantle.Together with materials of geological and geophysical surveying the data on basic structures will allow a day time surface of region to construct volumetric model of a province and to ensure reliable prospecting an estimation of resources of minerals on the basis of genetic representations about conditions of their formation. The geophysical works on basic structures have the state status and are earned out in frameworks Federal of the program "Creation of a state network of basic geological and geophysical profiles, paramedical and superdeep wells". All researches are earned out according to the unified set of the methodical requirements, which provide comparability of materials of researches in various on a history of geological development regions, coordination of results of sea and overland supervision and coordination of the geophysical data with geological results of superdeep and paramedical drilling. The works, carried out within the framework of this program, have ensured construction first sea geotransect 1-AP, which serves a trailer part of a geotransect 1-EB and incorporates with geotransects EUROPROBE and Murmansk - Kushka- Taiwan, and also first crossing of the Novava Zemlya on a geotransect 2-AP. which is coordinated with 1-AP. Investigation on a geotransect 3-AP, crossing White Sea, Barents Sea and Kara Sea now will be carried out. Among the results received of carried out works, three main aspects -methodical, geological and prospecting - may be differed. The main methodical feature of works on basic geotransect is the reception of the polymethod information, which provides much higher depth of illumination of a section, appreciable increase of a partition of a section as in the top part, so, in particular, in its bottom part and general increase of reliability of geological identification geophysical anomalies due to the complex approach to interpretation of all set new and before the received information. The basic geological results of works are the detailed characteristic of a seismic section of a sedimentary cover on all its thickness was obtained.The importance of the received materials in prospecting aspect consists that they allow first, to specify a regional estimation of resources HC and, secondly, to allocate local zones of possible accumulation of oil and gas and to estimate their ability to serve traps of migrated fluids. The conclusion is made, that productive can be all Phanerozoic sedimentary formation. ARCTIC SHELF OIL AND GAS CONFERENCE 2004
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