Usage of ARCview GIS and ARCinfo analytical modules for evaluation of engineering geological conditions Печать E-mail


For an estimation of engineering - geological conditions the knowledge of many natural factors is necessary having important value for construction and operation of constructions.

During researches various scientific and technical information is collected. It would be better to present all that information at uniform geoinformation system, the purposes of which is automation and increasing the efficiency solving applied tasks.

For creation of such geoinformation system as the base software programs ARCInfo and Arc View are used. That modules are multi-purpose and multifunction tools for gathering and ordering of any geographical information, fast access to it and get a result as a habitual firm copy are used. At the initial stage the system creation these functions of the given programs were used most actively, that has allowed to create GIS-PROJECTS of a different degree of information practically on all objects of researches of AMIGE to present time.

As a rule, each of such GIS-PROJECTS includes standard set of thematic layers in which there is submitted information about relief, stratic-genetic, lythological, strength characteristics of soils, and also the data of hydrometeorological, lythological, dynamic and ice researches.

When it is saved up enough data in digital format, they can be updated and projected and it is possible to use them for the decision of applied analytical tasks. Modules of spatial analysis ArcView Spatial Analyst and ArcView 3D Analyst serve just for reaching such aims.

Module Spatial Analyst provides transformation of vector themes to a raster format of a GRID-theme which represents a thematic layer where the space of a kind is divided into square cells of the fixed size, each of which keeps numerical value of the submitted data. During such transformation an interpolation of a surface is making. It allows calculating values of the mapped phenomenon for each cell of a raster. It could be done on values of the limited number of points of supervision. That it is especially useful when it is necessary to process the data obtained in different scales, with various accuracy of binding. The format of the GRID-data is convenient at display of the continuous spatial phenomena. Module Spatial Analyst includes a number of methods of interpolation which choice depends on character of the phenomenon, and also on features of distribution of points of measurements.

The module Spatial Analyst includes such functions as "hillshade" of relief construction of isolines, calculations the grades of surfaces, expositions of slopes, calculation of visibility and light exposure. Three last functions are not especially actual at realization of sea researches, but the three first are not so useless. So "hillshade" a relief makes visual recognition of surfaces more realistic, construction of isolines of the various phenomena represents the task demanding constant steadfast attention and perfection, and grades represent the important engineering -geological characteristic on which the choice of a projected object site depends.

Besides it is possible to investigate probable interrelations between the various phenomena with a help of module Spatial Analyst, to calculate the optimal trajectories of a lining of routes in view of a relief and of the other given factors, and also to carry out search of the most suitable sites or to build maps of suitability of the territories which take into account all necessary criteria.

Module ArcView 3D Analyst includes opportunities of creation and work with triangulable irregular networks (TIN). Main feature of the model it can be created from data strictly combined from several sources of vector and is used, basically, for exact modeling of small areas. Three-dimensional models contain a lot of various information. They can be simply looked through to estimate the data representation. It is also possible to carry out various analytical manipulations estimating scope and area of embankments or holes excavation (in our case alluvium and washout) with great interest for needs of engineering geology. Besides we can calculate speed of change of any characteristics and construct a structure along the line which have been earned out on a three-dimensional surface-Many of noted opportunities were used at processing Shtockmanovskoe gas condensate field data and other objects.

So, modules ArcView Spatial Analyst and ArcView 3D Analyst present powerful tools with additional opportunities of the analysis and complex estimation of engineering - geological conditions.



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