Experience of oil&gas complex specialist training in the Murmansk region |
PAPUSHAA. N. MURMANSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, Russia Higher educated specialists' training for the companies of oil & gas complex of the Murmansk region has been held on the Continuum Mechanics and Offshore Exploration Department of Murmansk State Technical University since 1996.Never the less the department has started specialists1 training on engineering specialization "Physical processes of oil & gas industry". The specialization of students is "Mining engineering". At the same time within the frame company of Ministry of Education, the department took part in forming the nomenclature of specializations, which display the specific features of specialist training as for the region so for finding out the main point the specialization. For this aim the Continuum Mechanics and Offshore Exploration Department gave advice to include the specialization "Physical processes of offshore oil & gas technology and industry" into ministerial nomenclature of specializations. Training and graduation specialists of this specialization is the prior aim of the Continuum Mechanics and Offshore Exploration Department because within the framework of UMO on mining and oil & gas higher education of the Russian Federation the Continuum Mechanics and Offshore Exploration Department was charged to work out an appropriate curriculum (deans office of Natural Science of Murmansk State Technical University) and subject nomenclature of the specialization (the Continuum Mechanics and Offshore Exploration Department) for realization of tasks set up in Educational Standard of the specialization. From our point of view, regional specific features are graduation of specialists ready to develop and improve offshore oil & gas technology in the northern seas of Russia.For this aim in Murmansk State Technical University curriculum of the specialization "Physical processes of oil & gas industry" with block structure of subjects of the specialization was worked out. The block structure takes into consideration specific features of: offshore drilling; development of offshore oil & gas fields; specific features of hydrocarbon transportation including offshore oil terminals. Although named blocks of the specialization and directions echo some directions of Master training in Russian State University of oil & gas by Gubkin, including these directions into the block set of specialization will expand oil & gas engineering training for the northern seas shelf work in Russia. And verification of subject and their plot should be done during the process, echoing practical demands. It is more important for the quality and capacity for work of an engineer complicated on all technological chains of industry. ARCTIC SHELF OIL AND GAS CONFERENCE 2004
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