Space satellite monitoring for the prevention of emergency and detection oil spills Russian offshore zone |
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ZATYAGALOVA V.V., KUCHEIKO А.А., IVANOV A. U. , GERSHENZON О.Н. ScanEx Research and Development Center (ScanEx R&D Center) devised and implemented real-time satellite-based monitoring of oil pollution and navigation situation to estimate ecological marine state.Usage experience of this technology has been applied in 2007-2008 in cooperation of P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IO RAS) to order of Russian oil companies and was predominantly aimed at detection of oil slicks in seas of the Russian sector. Geoinformatical system (GIS) approach to get a full radar data analyses used now as the main source of information about oil contamination in marine environments has been suggested. This approach allows to combine geoinformation technology and remote sensing data which can significantly improve identification of the sources of pollution or even classify oil spills. As a result, the user is provided with the final product – oil spills distribution maps in electronic form. Introduced GIS approach has found its practical usage in variety of operative radar projects of oil pollution monitoring in the Caspian, Okhotsk, and BlackSea for ecological assessment of marine environment and revealing night risk zones. In this pespect, projects of oil contamination monitoring in the Russian sector of the Caspian sea to order of Lucoil ltd. and the northern part of the sea of Okhotsk to order of Kamchatneftegas llc. have been realized. Wide radar images of Radarsat and Envisat received and processed by Moscow ground station «ScanEx» were the main source of data. Comprehensive analyses of the radar and concomitant information was carried out by the group of experts in real-time. The information about slicks contamination oil pollution included was operationally given to oil company leaders. Space satellite monitoring may be used in order to evaluate oil-and-gas content of structures. Oil slicks of natural origin were discovered on radar images of the South Western waters of the Caspian and Okhotsk seas by GIS approach. Computer processing and visual interpretation of the radar images as well as offshore geological-geophysical and seismic survey data related these slicks to the underground fluid discharges which defined more exactly perspective of oil-and-gas content. Characteristics of oil slicks, obtained from space radar images, clearly show the position of the source on the sea ground, a number of oil discharge pulses reflected on the sea surface, total oil volume and other parameters. In 2008 UTC «ScanEx» together with the Novorossick sea port administration performed pilot operative monitoring program to detection of pollution in Novorossick port and approach routes and that in Kerch Strait. Test survey beginning in June 2008 revealed regular going out of oil products in the way of spread-like trains from the tanker «Volgoneft-139» ship’s bows which was submerged in the Kerch Strait. Accoding to Federal Sea and River transport agency the results of this monitoring were determinant for the dicision to left the sunken tanker. Simultaneously with the acquired data of the monitoring series of oil spills in th approach routes to the Novorossick port were discovered. Complex analyses in cooperation of costal and ships poet services helped to establish those guilty for the marine contamination. Regarding the vessels esponsible for the oil spills special investigation in accordance with international convention has been held out. Moreover, modern computer and GIS technologies allow to create unique project for visualization of monitoring results in near real-time. UTC «ScanEx» has worked out an automatic interface on operative data supply to the user, created on the basis of geoportal «». The new interface works in closed regime and makes visible radar images and situation in the controlled area with the ships dislocation coordinates and oil slicks position. Further information of demoversion of the project may be received:, Total result of the performed work have demonstrated that space radar imagery may become the main and sufficient source of information providing work of iol and gas complex in the shelf of Northern seas allowing collect data about ice, navigation situation, and oil pollution. Additional and important task of collecting information of oil and gas content of perspective and revealed stractures may be solved. OIL AND GAS OF ARCTIC SHELF 2008
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