Главная The peculiarity of the ecological and hygienic standartisation on the oil-extracting objects of Arctic shelf
The peculiarity of the ecological and hygienic standartisation on the oil-extracting objects of Arctic shelf Печать E-mail


Krylov Shipbuiding Research Institute, Russia, North Medical Centre.

The intensive developments of Arctic Shelf involves the creation of a specific complex including both production and transport facilities: sea - borings platforms and vessels of service (oil-tankers, depots and others).

The operation of such complex is provided by a great number of specialists, what attaches special significant to creation of the safe inhabitation conditions on this objects.

The oil-extracting objects of different purposes characterize the specific of the inhabitation and regime of the work and the rest of workers. First of all, it is concerned in works which accomplished in the complex climatic and geographic conditions of Arctic. It is characteristic of the oil-extracting objects the limitation of social contacts and life space, unity of place for work and rest, over a long and continuous stay on objects far from home and family during the all working (period of the watch) period of time, complex of the different by their nature, intensity and biological factors of natural and technogenical origin, line social and psychological factors, which twenty-four hour influences on the people during the all working cycle. In the Arctic in addition to that associate with unfavorable light-climatic conditions (the polar day and the polar night), low solstice, low temperatures and strong winds, ultra-violet insufficiency, original ionic structure of the air etc.

Therefore, exploitation of the oil-extracting objects assumes prolonged and continuous stay of the people in conditions essentially distinguished from the usual industrial and life. As a result, a worker organism undergoes considerable overload, which can lead to not only functional, but also pathological changes, to make for the development the stress state in consequence of prolonged conservation of nervous and emotional strain. Taking into account, that one of the effective operation tests of any object is the support of health and safety of the serving staff, the creation of the harmless conditions of habitation on offshore platforms is one of the problems of their technical and operating performance.

The habitation conditions on the oil-extracting objects depend on a lot of various on their nature and parameters factors. They are determined by dimensions and the layout of the inhabited block, interior of rooms, different life support systems, the whole complex of the physical, chemical, biological, social and psychological parameters, disposition of operational zones, organization of workplaces, defense system from unfavorable influence of the surroundings, etc.

The above - mentioned problems have been partially mapped in "The Sanitary Regulations for buoyant oil-rigs" (1985). In these regulations the requirements to designing, construction, re-equipment and repair buoyant boring plants, and also sanitary and hygienic requirements in conditions of their exploitation and defined, including the parameter of a microclimate, tolerance levels of air noise, vibration, and illumination and of the electromagnetic fields. The problems of protection from the harmful industrial chemical and physical factors are surveyed. But these rules developed more twenty years ago were intended for operational conditions typical of southern districts of former USSR (Caspian region) no granting singularity of Arctic.

Therefore the question arises about necessity development of the modern rules for the oil-rigs of the different purposes (stationary, buoyant) with regard to modem technical, hygienic and ecological specifications in connection with conditions of the North region. Such document must reflect singularities of maintenance of the oil-extracting objects in the conditions of the intensive exploitation of Arctic shelf. In this connection on the leading plan advances the increasing intensity of the labour of the workers both on boring platforms and on vessels of service in connection with a small number of the crew (7-10 persons) and frequent of the loading and unloading operations, which require of the singular responsibility and the high nervous stress from the serving staff. It is necessary the complex hygienic estimate of the labor conditions and the character of the work process on the production and transport system of the oil-extracting objects of Arctic Shelf on the whole that will make possible to pick out the main professional risks and to base their prophylaxis.

The registration of the morbidity and traumatism on the oil-extracting objects of Arctic Shelf is a basis for effective prophylaxis, health protection of worker and conservation of working resources in the branch. The medical insurance system must consider the hygienic state of the objects, that will more possible later on to realize a quality treatment and effective prophylaxis.

The especial significant in application to the oil-extracting objects in the conditions of Arctic acquires the ecological monitoring as surroundings of the North is a highly sensible and calls for heightened attention to itself. The problems of ecological safety of objects, nature and a man in Arctic as a single system must enter as a component part of the normative document that regulates the requirements to operation of the boring plants and tanker fleet in the time of industrial exploitation of Arctic Shelf.



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