Integrated technology for model researches on marine area of water Печать E-mail

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The modern state of the methodology of decision-making interests specialists from various area of knowledges.

It is evident, by that reason that serve serious economic, social and ecological consequences, to which mention accepted decisions in practical situations.  Under decision-making generally is understood choice of the most preferable and sound decision (of the method of the achievement of set purpose) from the multitude of permissible alternatives.

It is evident that choice of decisions is carried out the most easily and distinct, when all elements of problem situation and decision making process структурированы and детерминированы. It is however, in real situation, in connection with the complexity of task, the degree of her структуризации and determinacy turns out to be inadequate, and the criteria of choice - incomplete and not distinct.

One of main difficulties in the tasks of decision-making - to attain the information completeness of all structural elements of problem situation: The spectrum of decisions, of situations the-consequences of decisions, of indicators for the assessment of the quality of alternative decisions.

Information is a main raw material in the questions of decision-making.

For information reception use experienced researches or experiment. Differentiate rub the experiment type: Laboratory, natural and computational.

Laboratory experiment is guided on information reception in the artificial conditions of arranging of experience. It is for example, experiences in the context of chemical laboratory relate to this type of information reception.

Full-scale experiment is conducted in natural natural conditions. It is for example, expeditionary researches relate to this type of experiment.
With the development of computer technology, of information technologies, of digital methods, of геоинформационного and imitation modelling appeared scientific and technological base for arranging of computational experiments. The basis of computational experiment is mathematical modeling, theoretical basis - applied mathematics, and technical - powerful modern computer systems and technologies. Computational experiment  this modern "high" computer technology for arranging scientific and practical studies.

The key problem of computational experiment - the reception of forecasting information which distinguishes him from laboratory and full-scale experiment which can lend only current information.

Experiment all sorts of exist in the нише, mutually complement each other, but can exist and independent.

The Integrated Technology of Modelling (ITM) is technology for arranging of computational experiments and meets the challenge of the information ensuring of the process of the adoption of design decisions.

The description of the integrated technology of modelling

For ensuring of completeness and the quality of information actively uses modern science-related development born on computer networked information methods, the facilities of the automation of projection and the systems of the management of quality.

To such science-related developments pertains and integrated technology of modelling (ITM), task which consists in ensuring of the process of projection diagnostic and by forecasting information.

The integrated Technology of Modelling presents distributed computer system, in the context of which on general information database are carried out , geoinformation constructs and the formulation of computational experiments for arranging scientific and practical studies.

Integrated technology includes following blocks: Preparation introductory this, database, the system of models and representations this.

In the block of the preparation of being entered data is carried out numeralization and the preparation of cartographic basis, on basis which and are carried out all design constructs. To this block pertains and препроцессор which will convert all exterior data structures in structure necessary for putting model.

Database is appointed for admittance, of issuance and storage this.

The system of models is presented modern, scientifically substantiated, verily, by practically approve hydrodynamic and ecological models.
The block of the representation of data includes postprocessor and facilities cartographic visualization and animation. Postprotsessor convert the output format of this modelling in sizes imagery this in program facilities animation and geoinformation systems. Cartographic visualization is carried out in geoinformation system ArcView, and animation in specialized animation systems.

The realisation of integrated technology is carried out on the basis of distributed computer system with general disk memory.

The modelling system is basis for arranging of computational experiments and presents synthesized system from following models :

• Adapted three-dimensional the model of Princeton university, USA (Princeton University, USA);
• Adapted wave the model of Delft Technological University, Netherlands (Delft University of Technology, Netherland) for the calculation of wave parameters on open (not barriered) marine area of water;
• Adapted wave the model of The center of The applied Coastal researches of Delavarskogo University, USA (Center for Applied Coastal Research University of Delaware, USA) for the calculation of wave parameters on barriered (ports) marine area of water;
• Adapted литодинамической the model of Hydraulic institute, Denmark (Danish Hydraulic Institute);
• The models of the spread of pollutions;
• The models of the spread of oil.

By basis for geoinformation constructions (geoinformation modeling and others) are geoinformation technologies realized in well known and perfect recommending geoinformation systems Arc/Info and Arcview (ESRI, USA).

In parallel with geoinformation constructions the geoinformation systems solve also tasks structuring, synthesis, visualization and analysis of the information.

Result of geoinformation processing are the geoimages, which represent geoinformation layers in digital and figurative - graphic стандартизованной to the form.

The geoinformation layers can be synthesized with other information, for example, received as a result of laboratory or натурного of experiment, for its subsequent complex processing.

The information layer can be submitted in the following formats:
- vector (Arc/Info, Mapinfo, AutoCAD);
- images (pcx, tiff, gif, jpg etc.);
- in a tabulared and matrix digital kind.

The structure of computer system for the support of The integrated Technology of Modelling has distributed disposition, by main feature being distribution and the fixation of definite functions for the various groups of computers.

In basic equipment the part of the Integrated Technology of Modelling lie two groups of computers, for which are fixed following functions :
• Modelling and geoinformatic processing; layers, structuring and the standardization of the results of computational experiments; connection with exterior partner modelling and geoinformation systems;
• Organising and the support of archive; connection with the exterior systems of the preparation of information and by archival systems; ensuring is by information services of.

The integrated Technology of Modelling is opened, is maintained at the level of modern international information developments at expense permanent replenishment by new models and other information components.

Tasks decided by means of Integrated Technology

• The research of dynamic regime on zone of sea water in предпроектных conditions :
- The fields of current ;
- level regime ;
- wind-wave regime ;
- flow of sediment regime.
• The assessment of the influence of design decisions on water area:
- On the structure of the fields of currents;
- On wind-wave regime ;
- On flow of sediment regime ;
- On the regime of spread pollution ;
- On regime spreading oil in design conditions and extraordinary situations.
• The analysis of port water areas and marine channels from wind-wave and sedimentation.
• Determining of wind-wave parameters on water engineering constructions for the assessment of wind-wave protectability.
• The projection of ecologically safe disposition submarine отвалов soil on marine water area.
• The projection of ecologically safe disposition the output of sewage on marine coastal zone.
• Zonirovanie marine area :
- Determining of zones turbidity in sea projection works ;
- Determining of the potential zones of risk in oil spreading.
• Development and building of applied geoinformation systems.
• Building of 3D the models of sea bottom.

Approbation the Integrated Technology of Modelling

The integrated Technology of Modelling was used in ensuring the information of the process of the projection of following marine objects :
• of the oil terminal in Primorsk (Finnish gulf),
• of sea trade port in Ust-Luga (Finnish gulf),
• of a complex of protective structures from floods in the Neva Lip,
• of the international projects of Sakhalin I, Sakhalin II,
• and many other important sea objects.

Oil and gas of Arctic shelf 2008


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