Experience of practical realization of a map database of the Barents sea ecosystem, development areas and influence of Shtockman project |
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ARHIPOVА O.E., SHAVYKIN A.A., SHARIFULLIN M.S. Experience of practical realization of map database (MDB) of marine part of Stockman project, as the integrated system including a database (DB) and geographic information system (GIS) is presented in this work. This integrated system has allowed to unify and systematize collected material on ecosystem state of area of possible Stockman project influence. The analysis of ecological data, widely presented in open information sources, has allowed to determine basic elements of the system under development and a way of its functioning.At the heart of MDB creation there are the following principles: - integrated system is to have modularity and flexibility for development and perfection and to be developed as an open and extensible system; - maximum use of standard and generally accepted approaches and means of realization is to be provided. Main software tools on the basis of which MDB is realized are aimed for two software products: geographic information system ArcGis Desktop (by ESRI) and DBMS Access (by Microsoft). Basic elements of the system are database under Access control together with programs of user interface and GIS. Results of ecological investigations in area of possible Stockman project influence on the ecosystem of the Barents Sea are the sources of data supply into integrated system. The DB is centralized databank in a format permitting to integrate it in GIS.
Characteristics of measured parameters allow to show ecological state pattern and to evaluate anthropogenic impact on investigated area. The obtained data on the area: what, when and to what extent it was investigated in the area can be presented in case of necessity. In data domain basic objects are singled out: “trips”, “stations”, “investigation results”, the universal database model made of linked tables is constructed. New types of information are put in a database without rearrangement of already existing structure. Diverse manuals (units, vessels, organizations, etc.), entered in a DB, allow to enter data in a MDB and permanently sustain the base in consistent condition. For work with database a user application (UA) which is a control program with function of obtaining, visualizations and editing of data was developed. All program modules and the database itself are integrated by a united shell. Primary system functions are data handling, data visualization, work with external sources. In ArcGis Desktop medium the structure of GIS primary layers was formed in accordance with designed map database. Developed GIS is based on the use of geographical database (base of geodata) and DB of ecosystem state of Stockman Gas-condensate field area as a set of linked tables in MS Access format. The geodata base includes information on all measurements in a form of vectorial map layers. Data on results of ecological investigations in the specified Barents Sea area are included in developed geographic information system (GIS) and are presented in the form of digital data on spatial objects and includes data on their location (position data} and properties (investigation type), spatial and non-spatial attributes (investigations characteristics). GIS includes a unified cartographic base of the studied Barents Sea area, developed on the basis of different scale maps. GIS gives the opportunity for viewing the content of both components of the spatial database of GIS -component of the project: graphic (subject layers) and attributive (tables of ecosystem state database). For these purposes the complex of program modules for interaction between GIS and ecosystem state database is developed in GIS medium. In GIS modules for formation of inquiries to the database are included. They permit to sample necessary information on types of investigations carried out in a certain area, to estimate the condition of ecological knowledge of an area, to provide access to the basic database of the Barents Sea ecosystem state with opportunity to enter inquiry results in the form of maps, tables and System structure of map database on Stockman project support and development ensures capability of its extensibility and modernization. Hereinafter, development of introduced system assumes completion of MDB with results of an area ecological investigations (including data of the current monitoring) and data of past expeditions measurements in the area of possible Stockman project influence. Besides the further development of system assumes development of separate specialized modules for environmental state assessment and forecasting in Stockman Gascondensate field area and on a route of underwater pipeline on MDB basis. Modules of calculation of consequences of emergency spill oils, methanol, gas condensate, distribution of pollutants in an atmosphere concern to such modules. The use in MDB of data on space ecosystem state monitoring observations in the definite Barents Sea area, in particular an assessment of heightened water turbidity and its contamination with petroleum. It is connected with the beginning of field development and construction in frames of Stockman project. All this will allow to put and operatively decide issues on current and perspective ecological maintenance of Stockman project.OIL AND GAS OF ARCTIC SHELF 2008
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