Environmental aerial-space monitoring in extraction of hydrocarbon raw materials |
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EGOROV S.A., ZABAVNIKOV V.B., ZYRYANOV S.V. Many years practice of several countries which carry out industrial extraction of hydrocarbon raw materials on sea shelf shows that it of one important element is organization and carrying out of marine environment reliable and qualitatively regular monitoring. This circumstance has particularly importance when the same large scale works carry out in marine area which has some specific ecosystem peculiarities similar the Barents Sea. Carried out researches, accumulated own experience with other countries accounting experiences allow to tell that largest effect from regular monitoring of marine environment conditions in hydrocarbon raw materials extraction and its products transportation can be got in case of special service regional creation. This service would created on base one or several scientific regional organization which have great experience on preparing and carrying out of aerial-space sea monitoring. This monitoring allows to have very good possibility to operative display and record any emergency situations, react to its origin, and then quickly, reliably and qualitatively remove its. Marine environmental aerial-space monitoring in sections of oil and gas extraction and its products transportation as by vessels (on sea surface) as by pipeline main (along the bottom) include following base elements.1. Satellite monitoring (carries out every day), and it include following: - using satellites which have radar system. This system ensures effective, reliable and qualitative discovering and recording of any types organic pollutions including oil flood and films independent on clouds, fogs, mist, precipitations and other atmospheric phenomena availability. At present time this task can be solved with using of satellites ENVISAT, RADARSAT, ERS-2; - using satellites which have optical multicpectral systems with very high special resolution. Now a lot of the same satellites fly in the space, and therefore its enumeration has not meaning. However here is need to note some limitation using these satellites which have great significance for the Barents Sea, it is considerable dependence on atmospheric conditions and lightings (time of day). 2. Airborne monitoring (carries out in emergency situations discovering and recording on base of satellite monitoring). It carries out operatively, and it main task is correct definition of scales and types pollutions including volume of works on liquidation emergency situations. For these purposes use specially equipped research aircrafts onboard of that install and exploit following remote sensing equipments: - digital photos- and video cameras; Here to note that two last airborne remote sensing systems are all weather, and its using independent on clouds, fogs, mist, precipitations and other atmospheric phenomena availability.All information in real positions and time (on base of GPS using) put on research aircraft onboard computer, here also has inside computer net (so-named intranet). Marine environmental monitoring final results are images of discovered and recorded pollutions including information about its types, and mapping (as GIS presentation). The main advantage above approach is possibility regular monitoring of considerable sea surface area for short very time and in minimum possible financial expensive with high degree reliability and qualitative. OIL AND GAS OF ARCTIC SHELF 2008
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