Complex aerial surveys as the most perspective method for engineering and ecological prospecting Печать E-mail

FSUE “PINRO”, Russia, “EEC” “Econeftegaz”, Russia

Thesis formulated in title this paper concerns for research of sea upper subsurface layers, and it basis on researches experience and results which were got in engineering and ecological prospecting (EEP) carrying out in Baydaratskaya Bay of the Kara Sea in 2006-2007 and in the Barents Sea Shtokman Gas and Oil Field (SGOF) area in 2007 during complex aerial surveys making.

Under aerial surveys understands carrying out of synchronous aerial visual observations and airborne remote sensing with using of special equipments which work in several ranges of electromagnetic wavelengths providing simultaneously measuring of several parameters about conditions of surface and subsurface layers including detection and recording of any pollutions types, and also allowing to get data about marine biological objects distribution and numbers (marine mammals, seabirds, fish schools and so-on). In this all information put on onboard aircraft computer system in real time and position.

In our case here was used specially equipped by PINRO specialists aircraft “Antonov-26” (An-26), named “ARKTIKA”.

Here was installed and exploited following remote sensing equipments:

1. Infrared (IR) radiometer (IRR) – AIR-2. Here uses IR range of electromagnetic wavelength, which allows to make sea surface temperature (SST) measuring along track of aerial remote sensing (oC). On base of collected rough data then prepare maps of SST space distribution. It allows highly reliably, qualitatively and representatively to estimate current thermal conditions on sea surface and identify here local frontal, eddies and meanders sections in SST distribution. It is very important in EEP carrying out and further monitoring.

2. Polarization airborne lidar (PAL-1M) or laser location complex. It carries out practically persistent sounding of sea surface and subsurface layers in optical range of electromagnetic wavelength along of aerial remote sensing track (complex aerial survey). The depth of subsurface sounding dependent on water transparency, for Baydaratskaya Bay it is no more than 20 m, and for Barents Sea (as example for comparing) – 35-40 m.

PAL-1M records in absolute values data on sea transparency (in “m” after corresponding recalculation), sea surface of phytoplankton chlorophyll “a” and plankton closely surface (in relative units). Then collected rough data use for mapping of transparency sea space distribution which can consider as indirect turbidity indicate, sea surface of phytoplankton chlorophyll “a” and plankton closely surface. These parameters allow highly reliable, qualitatively and representatively to estimate current ecological conditions of aerial research area. It is very important in EEP carrying out and further monitoring.

Besides, as show having experience, PAL-1M allows to get the same effect and in using it during carrying out of depth measuring (so named bathymetric sounding). It allows to make mapping of sea bottom relief. Limitations here are the same for above on transparency.

3. Visual observations. Its carry out persistently and allow to record any phenomenon, objects and effects on sea surface including all possible of pollution types in observations swath equal doubled of remote sensing altitude. Its carry out by special studied observers who have high quality and great experience. Visual observations are the most reliable, qualitatively and representatively method of marine mammals and seabirds observations and recorded on their species with purpose of their distribution mapping and estimation numbers. It is very important in EEP carrying out and further monitoring. During visual air observation carry out photos with purpose of documentation.

All information in real position and time (on base of GPS using) put on onboard research aircraft computer. Here also organized local aircraft computer net (so named intranet). Final result of EEP aerial survey is complex mapping all collected data (as GIS presentation) after special processing of rough data.

Thus with full basin can tell that considered aerial researches are not only complex but in certain degree are ecosystem. However it is need to note that aerial surveys dependent on weather conditions. So in wind speed more than 7.5 m/s, closely sea surface fogs, hazards availability, and low clouds edge less than 50 m reliably and qualitatively results of aerial surveys are worse. This case indicated meteorological conditions would observe in aerial research area more than 25% of square.

In conclusion it is need to note also as important factor as economical. As show our calculations and information from other sources including foreign, expensive for researches described above for the same EEP and area in aerial surveys are less in 4-5 times in comparing of analogues vessels surveys.
Accounting all above in total can make conclusion that complex aerial surveys in EEP are the most prospects, and in the further its should be use in monitoring works in the first.



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