Automated information management system of resources of ROSNEFT state oil company Печать E-mail

Roilsoft Ltd., Russian Federation

111 2003 Roilsoft Ltd created the Corporate Databank (CDB) of Russian State oil company Rosneft.

The CDB provided structural divisions of the company with the necessary information on oil&gas production, other geological and geophysical data and petroleum data through Web information system.

At the end of 2003 the works on creation of the Automated Information Management System of Resources of the Company - AIS «Resources» have begun. AIS «Resources» is innovative system which is not having of analogues in the Russian companies. AIS "Resources" provides by necessary information on resources of the company. The innovative technologies applied in AIS «RESOURCES», are created on the basis of long-term experience of the company, study of experience of use of similar systems and careful study of business processes in the company. Given article acquaints with the purposes and necessity of creation of similar systems, with the basic principles of construction and received results.

Usually, an oil company makes a decision on any territory on the basis of a complex of the information, which can be generalized by the term « resources of the company ». Using of AIS "Resources" becomes most important now in Russia, because development of territories of the Arctic shelf is started.

What does mean "resources of a company" for us? It is not only oil&gas reserves. It contains other types of resources ensuring extraction of oil and gas, processing and delivery up to the consumer as well. The list of resource's types below:

• Oil and gas reserves including perspective resources;

• Resources on search and investigation, extraction and processing;

• Transport infrastructure;

• Subcontractors resources.

The operative reception of the complex information on resources of the company can increase efficiency of acceptance of the decision, to lower risks of economic losses and to lower expenses for development of new territories or use of resources existing.
The basic purpose of creation AIS «Resources» was increase of quality and efficiency of the accepted decisions on use of resources of the company.

From here, AIS «Resources» provides information support of following business - tasks:
• Increase of quality and efficiency of acceptance of the decision about development of a site of territory, decreasing of expenses on its development;
• Increase of quality and management efficiency by resources on mastered territory, increasing of resource base of the company;
• Increase of quality and efficiency of performance of works on development of oil&gas resources, decreasing of expenses on works.

1. The structure of AIS "Resources"

The following technical decisions are developed in AIS «Resources» with accordance to above business tasks:

• Increase of quality and efficiency of acceptance of the decision about development of a site of territory, decreasing of expenses on its development;
о Integrated database and archive of the electronic documents on resources of the
company and territories of activity, including territories of potential interest;
о Automated gathering and loading subsystem from data sources into the database, including quality control;
о Automated search and order subsystem, including search of archival documents and map search;
о Automated unloading subsystem of necessary information from the database to a consumer in the kind, most convenient for the user;
о Simple and convenient interface of the user based on Web independent of the user hardware platform.
• Increase of quality and management efficiency by resources on mastered territory, increasing of resource base of the company
о The licenses control subsystem;
о The control and forecasting of movement of oil&gas reserves subsystem.
• Increase of quality and efficiency of performance of works on development of oil&gas resources, decreasing of expenses on works
о The control and optimizing of movement of drilling and restoring teams subsystem;
о The control and optimizing of transport infrastructure;
о Subcontractor control subsystem (carrying out work on investigation-development and arrangement of deposits).

Give attention on the several key AIS subsystems.

1.1 The database of AIS "Resources"

The database of AIS "Resources" contains the following blocks:

Territorial divisions - The block of the data describes variants of allocation of sites of territories.

The block contains several kinds of these divisions: geopolitical (continents - countries); administrative (republics, regions, area - county, districts); oil&gas area (province - area - districts - zone);topographic nomenclature areas ;working area работ (interesting zone - quadrant - block).

Organizations - the block contains directories of companies. The companies have classification and binding as earned out works. The companies contain characters of work quality and history of works. It is necessary for automatic choosing of subcontractors.

Projects - the block describes projects on development of oil&gas resources of perspective territories. For example: «Kynsko-Chaselskaya group of fields», «Sakhalin-1», «Shtokmanovskoe field». To the project are connected: companies - participant; objects of activity; conducted works; industrial resources; mineral resources.

Works - The block contains the information on project works. Examples of works: investigation of a field, sample operation of a field, calculation of reserves, oil&gas transportation. In general, the activity is described by a set of conditions and results. Conditions are characteristics describing purposes, techniques, parameters of the equipment expected results etc.

Objects of works- the block describes objects, which are studied or are maintained during realization of the project. Primary objects are subsoil assets.

The basic characteristics - location and geological structure. It is possible to adhere to elements of a structure further items of information on reserves.

Licensing - the block contains the items of information on license blocks and licenses. The licenses regulate realization of works on objects and expected results. The control of performance of the obligations before the state is defined by comparison of license conditions and results of works
Subsoil assets structure - the block contains information on a geological structure of suboil for interesting objects. The tectonic structures reference here enters. Generalized stratigraphic structure of object is described by summary lithology-stratigraphic section.

Reserves and perspective resources - the block contains description of oil&gas reserves estimations. Reserves divides on reservoirs- fields, deposits, pails of deposits. Data sources might be volumetric plans, state balance sheets etc. Data records might be about: beginning / current reserves, level of production and losses, changing of reserves (with cause of change).

Transport infrastructure - the block contains the information on objects of a transport infrastructure representing interest during realization of the projects. Examples of such objects are: pipeline, highway, railroad, terminal.

Equipment - the block contains the necessary information on the equipments used at realization of works or describing objects of works. It can be information about characteristics of drilling platforms for example.

Web-interface of AIS "Resources" consists from the four blocks:

Search&information - the main block includes the powerful search subsystem. The subsystem of search allows to cany out search in various variants, including map search. Unique the section is «Portofolio» section. It really can associate with concept a portfolio - set of documents on any question combined in one place. By entering in section, the user can receive a ready selection of materials on its interesting subjects. For example, the user can get all documents and informations on the competitive block of a shelf.

References&dictionaries - the block contains sets of references and dictionaries and legal documents. For example, the company dictionary or field dictionary. References&dictionaries block is the service block.

Entering and edition of information - the block giving to the certain users to enter or to edit the data. It is a part of the Automated gathering and loading subsystem.

Administration - the block, determining rights of user access and administrative procedure of the Web-system.

Innovative ideas of AIS "Resources"

There are a lot of created information systems in Russian Federation. However. Several innovative technical idea set the unique character of AIS "Resources".
• United global index database — provides relations between database information and data sources. It allows to create distribution databases of company resources.
• The special flexible gathering tool of the Automated gathering and loading subsystem. It provides easy turning of gathering and loading of information using Excel (hand loading tool) or automatic loading data from commercial databases. Now, the subsystem provides the automated loading and updating from such DB as Finder (Schlumberger), OpenWorks (LandMark), Probe (IHS), «BALANS» (SAC KHMAO), «RUNO» (Gekon), DB hicoTEC (hicoTEC).

2 Results
Till now was developed the following subsystems of AIS "Resources":
о United global index database;
о Automated gathering and loading subsystem;
о The licenses control subsystem.

The following subsystems are under construction:
о User Web-interface;
о Automated search and order subsystem, including search of archival documents and map search;
о Automated unloading subsystem of necessary information from the database to a consumer in the kind, most convenient for the user;
о The control and forecasting of movement of oil&gas reserves subsystem;
о The module of integration of AIS "Resources" and SAP R/3.

The development of AIS «Resources» will be completed by the end of 2005. The subsystems of AIS «Resources» are entered in skilled and industrial operation constantly, not less often than time per one quarter. It is possible thanking to modularity and flexibility of the system. The order of input of subsystems is defined of priority of tasks of Rosneft state oil company.



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