Terrains of Barents-Kara region and nature of the substance of the filling space between them |
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VERBA M.L., IVANOV G.I., KALENICH A.P. Northern State Scientific-Production Company of Marine Geological Prospecting ("SEVMORGEO"), Russia In structure of Barents-Kara shelf blocks of a thick continental crust in which structure of a cover take part in platform facies practically all Phanerozoic sedimentary formations are allocated the various size.Largest of these blocks are East-European and Siberian platforms, and as terrains are allocated Svalbard, Central Barents, Novaya Zemlya and Taimyr- Severozemekmskiy blocks, which area concerns to the sizes of these platforms as the area of Madagascar in relation to Africa. Spatial position of all listed continental structures are shown on the tectonic map of scale 1 : 2 500 000 produced by State company SEVMORGEO in 2006. The map is based on the actual material including results of regional survey of potential fields, seismic profiling and complex researches on basic structures of the state network 1АR, 2AR, 3AR and 4АR. The executed tectonic constructions differ from previous priority attention to riftogenius the structures defining the main features of a structure of a sedimentary cover and playing a basic role at an estimation of oil-and-gas-bearing capacity of region. Among the last on the made card for the first time have found reflection four systems riftogenius structures. To the oldest system it is carried Early-middle Paleozoic Pakhtusov Trough which has been tracked from east slope Novaya Zemlya ridge up to Severnaya Zemlya. Separate system represent same Devonian avlakogen, known on the Pechora plate (Pechora-Kolvinskiy avlakogen), on Central Barents massive (Demodov avlakogen) and Svalbard platform (Devonian graben of the Spitsbergen). The Most significant on scales destruction of crust are Permian-Triassic riftogenius structures of the Barents Sea (Barents-Northern Kara megatrough) and Western Siberia, connected Ushakovo-Urvantsevskiy graben-rift. The youngest system riftogenius structures is presented morphological well expressed new tectonic by the troughs which have formed on Barents- Kara continental suburb on Late-Cretaceous-Cenozoic a stage of development under influence oceanic tectonogenesis in the Nowegian-Greenland and Eurasian basins. Oil and gas of Arctic shelf 2008
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