Oil and gas selects the suppliers |
On the 28th of September in Murmansk there was organized a regular seminar of the association "Murmanshelf" which considered the conditions for the participation of the enterprises in tenders for the supply of material and technical resources for oil and gas industry.The audience has attentively studied the question of how to meet the high requirements of the customer. The association has been founded by the Department of Industry and Transportation of Murmansk Region, Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Murmansk Region and Northern Chamber of Business and Industry.
Creation of the association has resulted from the implementation of the project "Program for the Development of the Network of Suppliers for Oil and Gas Industry".The aim of the work of the association is the provision of the information to the regional enterprises and their preparation as suppliers in the framework of the coming contracts in the oil and gas field of the region as well as the implementation of coordination between suppliers and main contractors. The main task is the preparation of regional suppliers to the participation in contracts for the supply of goods and services connected to the implementation of the programme of the Stockman field development. "Murmanshelf intends to provide assistance to regional enterprises in the improvement of their competence as suppliers of goods and services for oil and gas industry. This will be achieved both by direct consultations and organization of sessions of seminars on studying of requirements for making of contracts in petrochemical field. PICTURE FROM THE SEMINAR
One of the important activity strategies of "Murmanshelf association at present is the educational activity which involves the resources not only of the association itself, but also of the Northern Chamber of Business and Industry, Departments of Murmansk Region Government, Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Murmansk Region, as well as of the organizations involved into the development of enterprises based on the quality management system. The main theme of the seminar was the creation of the management system of the quality of production and work at the enterprises and the requirements to the suppliers of oil and gas field. The seminar gathered many stakeholders — representatives of enterprises and organizations, claiming to participate in tenders for the supplies of material and technical resources for the oil and gas objects in Murmansk which are now under construction. The reporters invited the specialists from Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Norway and Murmansk. The seminar was opened by Mr. Grigory Ivanovich Stratiy, director general of the association, with the presentation of the results of 4-months activity of this organization which is new for Murmansk. Despite of the fact that the organization is quite young, it has already united 84 enterprises. For the sake of these enterprises the agreements with Murmansk Region Government, Norwegian companies like Statoil and PetroArktik were made and the meetings with business circles of Archangelsk, Saint Petersburg, Finland and Norway organized. The core of the seminar were the presentations of the director of "Det Norske Veritas — Certification" Mr. Igor Aleksandrovich Umanskiy and the deputy head of department of quality management of "Gaskomplektimpeks" Mr. Ivan Viktorovich Pyatnichko. The task of the speakers was to present to the audience the main requirements to the suppliers for the oil and gas field. Mr. Pyatnichko presented the corporate standards for the quality management system of "Gazprom" joint-stock company. Mr. Umanskiy presented the information about the international standards ISO 9001, including the corporate standards. Such attention to the availability of the quality management system on part of the supplier is due to the existence of a great number of risks connected to assembling and exploitation of oil and gas objects. The effectiveness of the development of oil and gas sector of economics is the key one for the filed of national security. Construction and functioning of industrial oil and gas objects is implemented in hard climatic conditions and hostile environment. Adecision has been made that the procurement of material and technical resources shall be done only with the suppliers who have produce services and output of exceptionally high quality and have high-skilled staff and are constantly developing the production potential. For this activity the "Gaskomplektimpeks" company has been founded by the order nr 56 of "Gazprom" joint-stock company issued on 27 February 2006. By the way, the overwhelming majority of procurement is made of Russian suppliers (3530 million dollars — Russian; 430 million dollars — import). As "Gazprom" consumes over than one million of production items, Murmansk enterprises do have a chance to become suppliers. The information about tenders can be found at "Gazprom" joint-stock company bulletin board at www.gazprom.ru. With the same order "Gazprom" approved and introduced the complex of corporate standards for the quality management system "STO Gazprom series 9000". The "Gazpromrazvitie" company has been appointed as an empowered organization for introduction of the above-mentioned standards in affiliated companies and supplying enterprises. The "Gazprom" set of standards 9000, which have a status of organization standards, in accordance with the Russian Federal Law issued on 27 December 2002 nr 184 "About the Technical Regulating", includes the following standards: COMMON:
—Common regulations and vocabulary of STO Gazprom 9000; —Guidelines for the evaluation of SMKSTO Gazprom 9011. NORMATIVE:
— Requirements of STO Gazprom 9001 part 1, General requirements; part 2, Special requirements. METHODICAL:
— recommendations for the improvement of STO Gazprom 9004 parts 1-6. The introduction of STO Gazprom standards series 9000 is done in 3 stages: The first stage (March — September 2006) includes awareness raising among wide audience of stakeholders about the approved conception for the creation of corporate system of quality management of "Gazprom" joint-stock company; informing the producing enterprises and suppliers of material and technical recourses about the approved standards of STO Gazprom series 9000; dissemination of corporate standards among the stakeholders; organization of training of specialists of different categories to regulations and requirements of corporate standards; notification of certification bodies about the right to evaluate the correspondence between the system of quality management of supplying enterprises of material and technical resources to the requirements. The second stage (October 2006 — March 2007): training of specialists of enterprises supplying material and technical resources that are interested in introduction of STO Gazprom series 9000 on selection of qualified consulting organizations; organization of cooperation with the certification bodies on the issues of evaluation of the systems of quality management of enterprises that supply material and technical resources to the requirements of the standards of STO Gazprom series 9000. The third stage (April—July 2007): development and introduction of the "List of Acceptable Suppliers of Material and Technical Resources" taking into consideration the availability of their quality system, certified for the conformance to the requirements of STO Gazprom series 9001 standards. Name of supplier (performer of work) Rating Price List of acceptable suppliers of material and technical resources Main criteria for the evaluation of suppliers The fourth stage will start in July 2007 with periodical check-ups of certified quality systems of the suppliers by the specialists of quality department of "Gazkomplektimpeks" (secondary chartered accountant) and evaluation of their effectiveness. How to meet the high requirements of the customer? The answer is simple: to certify the enterprise to the international standards. As the reporters convinces, this is not that difficult. It is enough to be a conscientious producer and a manger who implements all contractual liabilities. To this one should add qualified staff, necessary equipment and modern technologies, introduces system of quality management and the documentation, confirming the availability of the abovementioned conditions. When starting such kind of work, it is necessary to get introduced to the details of standards of STO Gazprom series 9000, developed by "Petrosert" association. If the enterprise thinks that they are ready for certification, they can invite a chartered accountant who will check the documents, examine the objects, get introduced to the production cycle and., interview the staff. The chartered accountants do not aim at "knife-killing" of the existing system of quality management; based on their recommendations one can improve the system so that it will meet the required standards. The series of reports at the seminar were finalized by Mr. Viktor Borisovich Gorbunov, the deputy head of the department of economical development of Murmansk region - head of department of state orders, investments and development programmes. In his report "About the Measures for the Improvement of Investment Climate and Attraction of Investments into the Economics of the Murmansk Region" he presented the regional targeted programme "Development of Investment Activity in Murmansk Region" for the years 2007-2010 which has been developed by the department and approved by Murmansk Region Government. The main objectives of investment policy are the increase of the volume of industrial production and the increase of the number of working places based on the updating of production resources and introduction of novel technologies. According to the reporter, the deterioration of general resources in the region makes 38.8 per cent of general stock. Annually invested funds of 16-18 milliard rubles make less than 6 per cent of the stock value. This allows to support production resources, but does not give an opportunity for technical reequipmentforthe improvement of the production of deep raw materials processing, creation of the network of small- and medium-scale enterprises. The upgrading of resources requires annual investments of 30035 milliard rubles. The report is published under "Outlook" heading. To attention of our visitors! Since the present moment you can read Russian language materials in our web-site on any of the herein provided languages: English, Arabian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Norwegian and other languages. If you have desire to place information of noncommercial character on our site – we are ready to accept it. Our conditions: 1. The information should correspond to subjects of our Internet - portal 2. The information should be given either in English or in Russian languages. 3. 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