About the main results of the social and economic development of the transport complex in 2007 |
Levitin I.E., Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Report 16 March 2007 at the broadened sitting of the collegium of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation 13 March 2007.Dear colleagues! In the detailed reference and analytical materials offered by you, the results of the work of the transport complex for 2006 are reflected. In the turned out conditions of the economic grow in 2006, the transport complex worked steadily and provided the needs of the population and economic branches in transport services.The passenger turnover of common use transport has grown by 1.4 %. The highest grow of the passenger turnover has been reached on railway - 3.5 % and air transport - 9.2%. A growing automobilization and the making more precise of the transport mobility of the population's privilege categories after going over to monetization, make influence on the dynamics of passenger deliveries by common use transport. The main factors influenced the rise of the volume of cargo transportations is the reviving of the real economic sector's activity, the increase of the volume of production in the main cargo-making branches, the development of goods and service markets, small and medium business, a favourable foreign economic state of the market on the main goods positions of domestic export. In 2006, the volume of cargo transportations grew in comparison with 2005 by 8.6 %, and the turnover - by 3.9 %. The most considerable increase of cargo turnover is reached on car (8.7 %) and railway (5 %) transport. 32 % of the volume of deliveries are carried out by railway transport, which is 1.8 % lower than the level of 2005. Recently, one can watch the changing of the structure of the volume of cargo transportations in favour of the car transport, which is evidence of the increase of its competitive ability in the separate segments of the transport service market. Car transport cargo deliveries between Russian and foreign countries have increased in comparison with 2005 by almost 9 % and amounted to 36.5 million tons. The share of home deliverers in the development of the Russian cargo base of car transportations has reached 40 %. Only 3 years ago, it was just 18 %. After the cargo turnover drop, taken place recently, the grow on air transport has amounted to 3.6 %. On home water transport, the volume of transportations has not practically changed, the grow has amounted to only 0.3 %. 16.6 million ton cargoes have been delivered to the regions of the Extreme North by water transport, which is 15 % higher than in 2005. All the cargoes to be transported were delivered in the time stipulated. The volume of cargo transshipment through sea ports has grown by 3.3 % and reached 421 million tons, which exceeds the maximal volume of cargo transshipment by the ports of the Soviet Union in 1989 - 403 million tons. In 2006, the incomes from the export of transport services in the branches of the transport complex rose by 10.0 % in comparison with 2005. The financial results of the activity of transport complex organizations have improved, too. By 1 November 2006, the taxation profit had increased by 2 times in comparison with the analogous period of the previous year and reached 107.4 billion roubles. At the same time, it should be noticed, that the profit on not only the transporting activity, but also on the attendant services grows: the transport processing of containers, storing, keeping. This is evidence of the development of the transport service market and of the increase of its quality. On the whole, in 2006, as in the previous years, too, the activity of the city passenger transport - bus, tram and trolley-bus - remains loss-making. The tax flows into the budget system of the Russian Federation from the activity of all transport branches have grown by almost 30 % and amounted to 286.1 billion roubles. In 2006, the flow of non-tax incomes into the federal budget from the transfer of dividends on the federal packets of shares of the transport complex amounted to 2.33 billion roubles. In 2006, the volume of investments into the fixed capital in the transport complex grew by 13.7 % and reached 490 billion roubles. In correspondence with the federal budget of 2006, Russia's Ministry of Transport, as a subject of a budget planning, was given almost 193 billion roubles. In comparison with 2004, the first year of the work in the conditions of a new structure of the federal agencies of the executive power, the volume of budget financing in the sphere of transport, geodesy and cartography has changed by approximately 2 times. The preliminary analysis of the indices reflecting the degree of the achievement of the strategic goals and solving of the tactical tasks of the Ministry shows that according to the majority of the indices, the plan values have been reached. According to the results of 2006, the level of the use of the financial means given is 98.6 %. We have managed to improve this index in comparison with 2005 by 2.2 %. At the same time, the availability of the means unused requires a special attention to the state of the financial management in the federal service and agencies. Thus, the results of 2006 show that the transport complex goes over from the stage of survival to the stage of renovation and development. At the same time, along with results achieved, the country's transport possibilities are used far from in full measure. The point is about the realization of Russia's transit potential - it natural competitive advantage, the opportunities of the transport complex on the provision of the unification of the regions into a single economic space, the integration of national economy into the system of the world's economic bonds, the grow of national security. In solving these and other problems, Russia's Ministry of Transport is supported by the State Duma and the Federal Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Last year, Russia's Ministry of Transport actively co-operated with the Federal Council and the State Duma under the conduction of "parliamentary hearings", "round tables", the sittings of the committees of the Federal Assembly, the sittings of the commission of the Federal Council on national and sea policy, the sittings of the committee of the Federal Council on natural monopolies. It is obvious that today, the efforts of the Ministry and the federal agencies of the executive power dependent on it should be concentrated on the development of concrete measures directed at the transformation of the transport system into a structural part of innovation economy. We are to organize the work in that way so that to combine in the most effective way the state support with the possibilities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and the financial support of private investors. And now, following the traditions of our final Collegiums, let me point out at the main results of the realization of the State policy in the sphere of transport in 2006 and stop at the key trends of the work which the efforts should be concentrated on in 2007. Provision of the effective and balanced development of transport infrastructureThe most important sphere of the Ministry's responsibility will become the provision of the effective and balanced development of transport infrastructure. Here, we have reached a certain success, both, in keeping the transport infrastructure' normative state and in realizing new infrastructural projects. The tasks on the solving of the problems of traffic economy were discussed on 13 October 2006 at the away sitting of the presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation in the city of Yaroslavl with the participation of the President of the Russian Federation V.V.Putin. Now, the execution of the errands of the President of the Russian Federation, according to the results of the sitting of the presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation, is expanded and on certain positions, has entered the final phase of the co-ordinations with the federal agencies of the executive power interested in it. The tasks set up by the President of Russia V.V.Putin in the budget message on 9 March 2007 include the development and approval of the plan of measures on a phased going over, starting from 2008, to the financing of the traffic economy according to the norms approved for the repair and maintenance of car roads, with a goal to reach 100 % by 2011. The implementation of the measures planned will, finally, allow to provide the quicker development of the traffic economy, to change gradually the situation, connected with the considerable delay of the development of the road network from the economic and social needs of the society, to increase the effectiveness of the traffic economy. New tasks are put, nowadays, by the market in the sphere of the development of home waterways. For their solving, it is planned to prepare in 2007 and then, realize some infrastructural investment projects on the development of the largest canals of the Single deepwater system of Russia and their opening for the passage of foreign vessels in connection with Russia's joining the WTO. An important tasks is the realization of the projects on the development of the infrastructure of the railway, sea, air transport, traffic economy, stipulated by the FTP "Updating of the Transport System of Russia (2002-2010)" for 2007. The next pressing task is to become the strengthening of the regional aspects in the development of the transport infrastructure, which totally corresponds to the goals of the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020. The considerable remoteness from the West and Central regions of Russia and closeness to the dynamically developing countries of the APR, make the development of the transport infrastructure in the Far-East federal district the basic condition of the future existence of the territory of the Far East in the Single economic space of the Russian Federation. The point is not just about the carrying out of the projects on the development of the transport infrastructure, but also, about the coordinated development and organization of cooperation of different kinds of transport, which let the transport complex provide an additional system effect for the users of transport services, what will allow to solve the main tasks the country's transport system faces: to provide connection between Russian regions and to increase the level of national security;
to provide the development of the rational system of the populating of Siberia and the Far East, the creation of additional working places there;
to provide exits to raw materials bases difficult of access and the effective development on their foundation of the real sectors of economy;
to realize the transport potential of the Russian Federation. With the view of this, it is necessary to define a list of critically important objects of the region's transport infrastructure, having stipulated financial means for the development of project and estimate documentation in 2008 already. In respect of the realization of the transit potential, Russia should more actively develop transport passages and complex transport junctions. At present, such work is being carried out. The point is about the beginning of the realization in 2006 of a new subprogram "The Development of the Export of Transport Services" Within the frameworks of this subprogram, the preparation of the well-foundations of investments into transport objects, which then will be realized in accordance with the conditions of the state and private partnership, is held. These are projects on the building and reconstruction of car roads, as well as on the development of transport junctions in Murmansk, Novorossijsk, Ekaterinburg, "Vostochnyj-Nakhodka" in the Primorskij area, in the Moscow region. The implementation of such projects will allow in future to realize the transit potential of Russia and to increase the export of transport services, to make it comparable with the incomes from the realization of raw materials resources. Development of the market of transport servicesIn the sphere of the development of the transport service market, the actions of our Ministry will be directed at the formation of clear and transparent "game rules" and concentrated on several key trends. Railway transport The realization of the measures of the third stage of the program of the structural reform on the railway transport, which implies the grow of competition in cargo transportations, the singling out of passenger transportations as a competitive sector, the gradual discontinuation of the cross subsidizing. In general, it is planned to create about 40 subsidiary companies of the open stock company "Russian Railways" by the end of 2007. At present, Russia's Ministry of Transport, together with the federal agencies of the executive power interested in it, the open stock company " Russian Railways", have practically finished the preparation of the Target model of the transport service market, taking into account the realization of the third stage of the structural reform of the railway transport. In 2006, in Russia, 33.5 thousand main line cargo carriages were produced, which is almost 1.5 times higher than the volume of the output of 1990. On the whole, 40 thousand cargo carriages are bought, 31 thousand of them - by private companies. Now, almost one third of cargo equipment belongs to private delivery companies. Thus, we have practically come up to the question of deregulation in the carriage sphere. Sea transport In the questions concerning sea transport, port infrastructure and home waterways, I would mention the necessity of the reforming of the system of the Main basin departments as one of the most important tasks. The model of the reform will be represented by the Ministry of Transport and considered at the sitting of the Sea Collegium of the Government of the Russian Federation in March this year. Civil aviation In order to create on the territory of the Russian Federation the infrastructure of large transport junctions (chubs), to develop and launch the system of the classification of the airports of the federal and regional meaning and to manage them, to keep and develop the system of the aviation transportations of the local meaning and the whole segment of socially important aviation transportations, it is necessary to develop and approve the Conception of the development of the aerodrome network of the Russian Federation. At the same time, in 2007, the work on the consolidation of assets in the sphere of civil aviation will be continued. Car transport In the sphere of car transport and traffic economy, the most important aspects are: the reformation of the system of the state enterprises of the traffic economy and the improvement of the financing system of the road branch. Development of passenger transport Here, I would like to stop at two aspects. The first one is the development of the main line kinds of transport. For the last decade, the system of the aviation communication between the main Russian cities accessible to everyone, has factually stopped its existence. Its restoration is carried out not fast enough and without any proper co-ordination with the development of the passenger railway transport. The absence of such a system is an essential disintegrating factor, which furthers the factual isolation of separate Russian regions and really weakens the social and political unity of the country, of what the first deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Sergey Borisovich Ivanov, spoke in his speech. Nowadays, the creation of the modern system of the main line passenger communication is to be carried out in correspondence with the main trends mentioned in the slide. The second one is the development of the city passenger transport. Transport problems, well-grounded, first of all, by the increasing automobilization, in the foreseeable future, will become crucial for the most part of the city population of the country. A special place in solving this task belongs to the city passenger transport, the development of which no proper attention has been recently paid to at the federal level. As one of the most important tasks, I would like to pay your attention to the stimulating of the complex projects (federation-region, region-region, city-region) directed at the improvement of the transport approaches and roundabout ways of the largest cities, at bringing out of them the objects of transport and storage infrastructure, as well as at the realization of the program of the underground development. Provision of the complex system of transport security In 2006, a great attention was paid to the antiterrorist security of transport. According to Sergey Borisovich Ivanov, the Federal law "On Transport Security", worked out by us, is signed by the President of the Russian Federation V.V.Putin (9 February, 2007, № 16-FL). It should be noticed that the Law, together with the legal foundations of the activity on the provision of the antiterrorist protection of the objects of transport infrastructure and transport means, provides the implementation by the Russian Federation of the international requirements in the sphere of transport security provision, which is a compulsory condition of the competitive presence of Russian transport workers at the international market of passenger and cargo deliveries. Besides, in the Law mentioned, for the first time in the world, a single, for all kinds of transport, system approach to antiterrorist protection is used, which provides Russia's high positions and authority in the questions of transport security. We pay a separate attention to the question of the antiterrorist protection of the hydrotechnical constructions at the home waterways of the Russian Federation. The problems of the shipping hydrotechnical constructions were studied by the administration of the President of the Russian Federation and considered in November 2006 at the sitting of the National antiterrorist committee and at the expanded sitting of the collegium of Russia's Ministry of Transport. At the result, measures on the strengthening of their security, physical guard and use of additional technical protection means are defined. At the same time, another part of transport security requires our special attention. Despite the measures taken, the transport crash index is still at the high level. It requires development and taking corresponding urgent measures. One of the most important tasks is the provision of flight security in civil aviation. The provision of aviation security is connected both, with the renovation of the aircraft park and with the improvement of the normative legal base, pilots' training and the creation of new training planes, the questions of training equipment, with the help of which young pilots are taught, as well as with the insurance activity and other organization measures. A joint collegium with the General Prosecutor' s Office of Russia, where we discussed a plan of our joint activity, was dedicated to this question. To solve the questions set up, it is stipulated to develop in Russia a state program of flight security provision in the civil aviation of the Russian Federation and to create an interdepartmental commission on flight security according to the errand of the President of the Russian Federation V.V.Putin. A rather serious problem is the security on Russian roads. Last year, the increase of the number of traffic accidents went on. Russia has one of the highest levels of the population's death-risk in traffic accidents. To solve the problem on the reduction of the number of people killed in traffic accidents, set up in the message of the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Transport together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia implement the Federal Goal Program "The Increase of Traffic Security in 2006-2012", which has already been mentioned today by the First Deputy Chairman of the Government. This year, the realization of the program stipulates the development of some special technical regulations. Russia's Ministry of Transport is the head executor on 8 technical regulations in the sphere of car, city passenger transport and traffic economy. Besides, it goes without saying that in solving transport problems, the satellite navigation of transport means plays an increasing role. The most important condition of the solving of navigation tasks at the state level is the provision of the proper quality of the single all-national coordinate and cartographic foundations. Another important circumstance is the necessity of the creation of special navigation digital maps, used in the navigation satellite wirelesses and geoinformation systems of the transport communication. In Russia, there are some difficulties in solving the tasks mentioned in connection with the absence of their single coordination and system decisions at the state level. Now, it is necessary to define which federal body of the executive power will be responsible for the land part of the GLONASS system. Increase of the investment attractiveness of the transport complex The realization of the system of measures on the development of the transport complex is impossible without the increase of its investment attractiveness and the effective use of budget means. The volume of financing of the transport complex, geodesy and cartography from the federal budget increased by 21.5 % in comparison with 2005. The financing of the measures of the corrected federal target program "Updating of the Transport System of Russia (2002-2010)" got its further development in 2006. Last year, the volume of the budget financing of these measures amounted to 161.6 billion roubles. Nevertheless, it should be noticed that the level of the financing given does not fully satisfy the needs on the support of the existing transport infrastructure and does not meet the tasks of its development. To solve the tasks the transport complex faces, the total volume of the means sent on its financing in 2007 at the expense of all sources, is to be not less than 2.3 % GDP, including not less that 0.7 % (about 297 billion roubles) from the federal budget, what approximately amounts to 70 % of tax flows into the federal budget from the organizations of the transport complex, without taking into consideration a multiplicative effect from their activity. This is a so-called "investment barrier" level. In case, the volume of financing drops below this level, there is a high probability that the transport complex will play the role of the limiter of the economic grow. At the same time, it is obvious that state investments will not save the situation. In these conditions, the Ministry of Transport takes some efforts to attract additional private investments and the means of users into the development of the transport infrastructure. The main trends of the increase of the investment attractiveness of the branch will be: the further development of the state and private partnership. The priority trends are to become concessions in the sphere of toll car roads and city transport, ports and airports, railway objects; the stimulating of the investment activity of transport enterprises. The conditions for this are favourable: the economic grow objectively increases the demand for transport services and the attractiveness of transport projects; the attraction of consignors or the users of infrastructure into the projects on the updating of its separate objects; the provision with state guarantees of the projects with long terms of realization and hence, unattractive for commercial investments. At the same time, the state guarantees not so much provide financial risks, as persuade investors and other participants of the project in its social importance and imply that the state is interested in providing its successful realization; the creation of free economic zones and technoparks in the largest transport junctions for the attraction of goal investors to their development. Our experience of the attraction of additional investment resources in 2006 shows that this task is not insoluble at all. Thus, the total value of the transport part of all 7 projects chosen for being financed from the Investment fund, is 276.8 billion roubles, 134.7 of them are attracted. Apart from the attraction of additional off-budget investments into the transport branch, a large importance is attached to solving the task of the increase of the effective use of budget means. It is not only an objective need in the improvement of the financial activity of the service and agencies, but also a strategic trend of the reforming of the budget process. It is necessary to improve the quality of financial management at all stages of the budget process: planning, execution, estimation and auditing. One should also improve the statistical reporting reflecting the results of the realization of investment measures. The approval of the new editing of the budget code will allow us to go over to a medium-term budget planning, the making of long-term agreements with contract organizations, what additionally increases the effectiveness of budget investments. One more reserve for the improvement of financial management at the stage of planning is the development of target programs, both federal and departmental. The turning of the departmental goal programs from analytical into those really established, with their own goals, tasks, measures and the clear criteria and indices of their achievement estimation, will allow us to increase the quality of the long-term budget planning. International activity In 2006, the main goal of the international activity of the Ministry of Transport of Russia was the keeping of the dynamics and tempos of the development of the international co-operation in the sphere of transport, gathered in the previous years. As a result, we managed, under the active support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, to make a considerable contribution into the strengthening of the position of Russia at the international arena. The achievement of this goal was furthered by the measures taken by the Ministry within the frameworks of the chairmanship of Russia in the "Eight", the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Co-operation and the Arctic Council, the work in other international organizations. A large work has been done on the creation of the foreign apparatus of the Ministry, consisting of the Representatives of the Russian Federation of the International Sea Organization (IMO) and the International Organization of Civil Aviation (IKAO). An active work has been carried out in the integration structures on the territory of the CIS, and first of all, on the line of Eurasian Economic Community. The 26th sitting of the Co-ordination Transport Meeting of the CIS (CTM CIS), timed for the anniversary of the CIS, went off successfully in Moscow. Last year, within the frameworks of the meetings of the authorized and acting working groups, the negotiations with Finland on the co-ordination of a new agreement on the rent of the Saimenskij canal, which in 2006 celebrated its 150th anniversary, were held intensively. Within the frameworks of the transport dialogue Russia - the EU, in 2006, we managed to achieve understanding on the questions concerning co-operation in the sphere of compatibility provision and the creation of the unified systems of sea transport management, the development of infrastructure, the establishment of the circle of questions on the co-operation in the sphere of the development of logistics, the harmonization of norms and rules in the sphere of car transport, as well as the regulation of the problems of the transsiberian routes. In September 2006, the first sitting of the Regular Council of the Partnership of the Ministers of Transport Russia - the EU took place. The plans of the international activity of 2007 include the participation in the session of the European Conference of the Ministers of Transport (ECMT) in Sophia, the Conference of the Ministers of Transport of APEC in Adelaide, the 36th session of the IKAO Assembly in Montreal, the preparation for the beginning of the chairmanship of Russia in the Council of the Barents Euro-Arctic region (BEATA) and the 23d International Cartographic Conference in Moscow. I will briefly stop at the factors influencing the qualitative and stable work of the transport complex. Here, the main things are: the finishing of the development of the normatively established order of the reservation and withdrawal of land allotments with the view of the construction and reconstruction of transport complex objects and the working out of the leasing schemes of the acquirement of trains on all kinds of transport. The Ministry of Transport of Russia places large hopes in the renovation of the airbus park on the realization of the errands of the President of the Russian Federation V.V.Putin, according to the results of the meeting on the questions of the development of aviation industry on 19 December 2006, as well as on the worked out strategies of the development of aviation industry, shipbuilding, the conception of the development of transport mechanical engineering. To provide the transport complex with modern trains, the consolidation of the efforts of the Ministry of Transport and the Minpromenergo is required. Russia has a historic priority in a science-intensive air- and shipbuilding, including the construction of the ice fleet, it is necessary to revive these branches and bring them back at the leading world's positions. On 9 March this year, the President has pointed out at it in the Budget message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the budget politics in 2008-2010. The head of the state mentioned the necessity of the broad use of the modern mechanisms of the state support of the development of air- and shipbuilding. We hope that the complex of measures implemented by the Government on the stabilization of prices for oil products at the home market, will allow to stop the internal grow of prices for energy carriers and make a favourable influence on the work of the transport complex. In conclusion, let me stop one more time at the priority tasks of the federal agencies and service in 2007: the further development of the projects according to the conditions of the state and private partnership. The development of the mechanisms of the project preparation within the frameworks of the subprogram "The Development of the Export of Transport Services" and their representation at the contest of the Investment Fund in order to get the state support; the working out of a new program "the Development of the Transport System of the Russian Federation for the period until 2015" and the departmental target programs on the solving of the problems of the development of separate kinds of transport. the updating and development of the regional aspect in the activity of the federal bodies of the executive power, the working out of the co-operation mechanisms of the state power agencies of different levels in the realization of programs and investment projects. the more active participation in solving a number of questions of an effective functioning, of control units across the state border, situated at the sea and river ports of Russia, within the frameworks of the FTP "The State Border". the development of the complex of measures on the increase of the competitive ability of the sea trade fleet of Russia at the international shipbuilding market, connected with the realization of the law on the second ship register. The Federal agency on geodesy and cartography has to develop the Conception of the creation and development of the infrastructure of the Russian Federation's spatial data. The most important legal bases, directed at the satisfaction of the needs of the state, physical and juridical persons in shipping services, as well as conditions for the functioning of the co-operation of state power bodies in the sphere of navigation are absent and require development. Despite the measures taken, the negative tendencies in the personnel sphere remain. The personnel hunger is a topical problem for all kinds of transport. At the same time, the average monthly wage in January-December 2006 on the transport complex, in general, was 27 % higher than the total Russian level. In the conditions formed, the federal agencies together with the Personnel Department have to develop a strategic and tactical decision of the mentioned problem, in the nearest future. In 2006, in order to concentrate intellectual and financial resources, the work on the reorganization of the departmental educational system, the creation of large educational complexes on the basis of the higher educational institutions dependent on them, went on. It is necessary to pay a special attention to the fact that our two higher educational institutions - the Far East state university of communications and the Moscow state university of communications - have become the winners in the contest selection of the educational institutions of higher professional education, launching innovation educational programs. We are grateful to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for the understanding of our problems and the increase of the control figures of the admittance to higher educational institutions for 2007 in flight and navigation specialties, what gives an opportunity to increase considerably the admittance and the number of graduates specializing in the sphere of transport. On the whole, in the forming of new approaches to the development of the transport system, the working out of the new instruments of the implementation of the priority tasks, the creation of conditions for the attraction of additional investments into Russian economy, the Ministry feels understanding and support on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation, the committees of the State Duma and the Federal Council, the adjacent ministries and administrations of the regions. Further joint work on the co-ordination and concentration of the efforts of all power branches, the society and business, will allow to solve the tasks set up in front of the transport system and to provide the needs of the population and economic branches in qualitative transport services. On 20 November 1809, the Emperor Alexander I signed the manifest "On the Management of Water and Navigation Communications". By this Manifest, in Russia, a single body of the state management of transport is created within the rank of a separate ministry. In 2009, we will celebrate the 200th anniversary of this event. Source: the Press-Service of the Ministry of Transport of Russia To attention of our visitors! Since the present moment you can read Russian language materials in our web-site on any of the herein provided languages: English, Arabian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Norwegian and other languages. 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