Главная Shtokman Development AG has taken part in the International Conference “Arctic Shelf Development: Step by Step”
Shtokman Development AG has taken part in the International Conference “Arctic Shelf Development: Step by Step” Печать E-mail

On September 29, 2011 in Murmansk the IV International Conference "Arctic Shelf Development: Step by Step" has been held. This Conference is organized by the Association of the Oil and Gas Suppliers "Murmanshelf" and Russian Gas Society under the auspices of the Government of the Murmansk Region and Murmansk Regional Duma.

Aleksandr Selin, Director of SDAG Murmansk Branch, has made a report at the Conference. Aleksandr Selin has informed Conference participants on SDAG Tender Policy, on the standards and requirements set up for the Russian partners involved in the Shtokman Project.

"Maximum involvement of Russian Content in the Shtokman Project is one of the key SDAG priorities. Shtokman is supposed to be an example for all future projects to be implemented in the Arctic Shelf, - commented Aleksandr Selin. - Taking into account the magnitude and complexity of the Shtokman Project, SDAG intends to attract Russian contractors and suppliers complying with the HSE highest international standards. SDAG continues to search the reliable and professional Russian partners, using the potential of Murmanskshelf Association as well. SDAG highly estimates the activity of this Association and plans to further develop effective cooperation".

Source: Shtokman Development AG

 Unpublished articles 


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