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They said “Yes” to PTTC GL! Печать E-mail

In the Stockman project "Gazprom" joint-stock company goes on to look for optimal decisions of the problem connected with a placement of PTTC GL (port transport technological complex for gas liquefaction) which should not influence profoundly on the period of execution of works but can make changes in stipulated plans. 

The matter concerns a possible change of PTTC GL site. There were a lot of variants but a preference was given to Vidyaevo and Teriberka. At the public hearings in September 2005 the inhabitants of Teriberka turned down the proposal of "Gazprom" joint-stock company to build PTTC GL at the site of their settlement.

Then the company staked on Vidyaevo but there is a base of atomic submarines of the Northern Navy that is why the settlement has a status of CATU (a closed administrative and territorial unit). According to the Federal CATU law it is impossible to open there enterprises using foreign investments. We could transfer CATU's borders putting PTTC GL "beyond a barbed wire" but it is a very difficult and long process which is also required a presidential decree. A fact that the length of underwater gas pipeline from the production site to the coastline of the Kola Peninsula (in case of building PTTC GL in Vidyaevo) increase by some kilometers also became a factor of no small impor-tance. That is why "Gazprom" joint-stock company and its daughter enterprise "Sevmorneftegas" limited company which is a main operator for provision of the necessary facilities, oil and gas field operation, had to pay their attention to Teriberka again. The choice will probably be made to Teriberka where there are two would-be sites for erection of industrial project - the Orlovka Bay and the Korabelnaya Bay.

In the middle of May 2007 a governor of Murmansk Region Mr. Yury Evdokimov met with a director general of "Sevmorneftegas" limited company Mr. Yury Komarov who flew to Murmansk together with a group of representatives of this company. The matter concerned of the location of PTTC GL. According to minutes of the meeting between Mr. Yury Evdokimov and Mr. Yury Komarov the hearings of placing of PTTC GL has taken place in Teriberka on 16th of August 2007 during the second visit of director general of "Sevmorneftegas" limited company Mr. Yury Komarov to Murmansk. At that time "Gazprom" joint-stock company offered the inhabitants such terms for social infrastructure development, house making and assurance of well paid workplaces which would change this disabled coastal settlement into one of the most developed settlement in North-West Russia. The inhabitants who gathered in the palace of culture voted for building unanimously.

Reference: according to the decree of "Gazprom" joint-stock company of the 19th of March 2007, in the framework of the project of complex development of Stockman gas condensate field "Sevmorneftegas" limited company is a customer who realizes the port transport pick-and-place technological complex for gas liquefaction project, including a sea production complex.

One could not do without public hearings

"Gazprom" joint-stock company made an assessment of environmental impact (AEI) "Capital investment ground of com-plex development of Stockman gas condensate field" in accordance with the regulations set up for the environmental impact assessment of planned or other economic activity in Russian Federation» approved by the order of the State Committee on preservation of the environment from May 16, 2000 №372. In September 2005 the inhabitants of Teriberka turned down the proposal of "Gazprom" joint-stock company to build PTTC GL at the site of their settlement. Vidyaevo was the second variant and the inhabitants to give their consent to the building of PTTC GL. In autumn 2006 in cities and towns of Murmansk and Len-ingrad Regions and the Karelian Republic were held 15 public hearings. The participants of public hearings were not only peo-ple of Vidyaevo but also people who lived in settlements where it is planned to lay a branch of gas pipeline to Volkhov.

On the 22nd of September 2006 a governor of Murmansk Region Mr. Yury Evdokimov held a meeting at the end of which they signed an Act where it was mentioned that the intention of "Gazprom" joint-stock company of complex development of Stockman gas condensate field and laying a gas pipeline Vidyaevo - Volkhov was approved by the public. It was recommended "Gazprom" joint-stock company and "Giprospecgas" joint-stock company to summarize, analyze and systematize all offers which were made during public hearings and if it is necessary to amend a plan of works in accordance with a normative base and an exist-ing legislation of the Russian Federation.

94% of the population voted for realization of the project. Because the inhabitants understand that a complex develop-ment of Stockman gas condensate field creates conditions for further development of productive forces in Murmansk Region on a long-term outlook, will allow gasifying cities and settlements of the Kola Peninsula. Moreover, it will find 3000 people in build-ing of PTTC GL and a terrestrial gas pipeline and about 1000 people in their exploitation. During the field performance about 20 billion dollars will be transferred to federal and regional budgets as tax proceeds. Due to only the realization of this project vol-ume of Gross Regional Product will have doubled by 2014. Regional budget incomes will have increased by 40%.

Positive overall results of these public hearings can be considered as a beginning of realization of the Stockman project in practice. In Vidyaevo started a complex of pioneering on the site of future plant for gas liquefaction and also was specified a route of the ground gas pipeline. But the final decision concerning PTTC GL site was not taken.

There are projects, we should just realize them

In 2005 planners worked out a capital investment ground of the first stage of the project which includes the whole technological chain: development of Stockman gas condensate field and its provision with necessary facilities; solving the problems connected with underwater transportation of gas; building of PTTC GL; delivery of liquefied gas by gas carrying vessels to customers, including the USA. During the work they took up different variants of gas production, laying of the gas pipeline and construction of port transport technological complex for gas liquefaction. At the beginning there were 136 variants but later this number was reduced to 20. Only variants of building site for a plant for gas liquefaction were 25. Today we can suppose that the plant with a starting output of 7.5 million tons of liquefied gas per year which then will increase to 30 million tons will be built in Teriberka.

Both Teriberka and Vidyaevo have their own "for" and "against". Vidyaevo has better transport and navigation conditions, but a complex relief, a steep coastline where the pipeline comes out and a status of closed administrative and territorial unit which also imposes some difficulties. These difficulties cannot be solved in a short period of time. Teriberka does not have such drawbacks but it is also necessary to settle some problems with Ministry of Defence.

It is planned to use during the building of objects only advanced experience and the best technologies which have ap-peared during the last 4 decades. PTTC GL will become the most up-to-date in the whole world.

In 2006 specialists worked out a matrix of variants of gas production and distribution. It is proposed that produced gas will be supplied not only to the plant for gas liquefaction but also to the pipeline on Volkhov branch and to united gas-supply system. If the diameter of the pipeline in the Murmansk Region is 1400 millimeters, four compressor stations will be built in Teriberka, near Murmansk, Monchegorsk and Kandalaksha. If the diameter of the pipeline in the Murmansk Region is 1200 millimeters, three compressor stations will be built in Teriberka, Olenegorsk and Zelenoborsk. A part of produced gas (from 290 million cubic meters per year at the beginning of exploitation to 4.7 billion cubic meters when it will be used at full power) will be used for Murmansk needs. It is planned to produce 71.1 billion cubic meters of gas per year in 2021 (according to more optimis-tic forecast more than 90 billion cubic meters per year).

In all, it is proposed to transmit through a land pipeline 22.5 billion cubic meters. It is planned to spend about 44 billion dollars on the realization of the project (without taking into account money for building of gas carrying vessels) 17 billions of them will be spent in Murmansk Region.

Attraction of the most up-to-date Russian and foreign technologies are required for development of gas condensate field. These technologies will allow integrating world experience in the sphere of development of shelf field, using modern machinery, creating the necessary prerequisites for sustainable development of power engineering in the North-west of Russia, in Europe and in Northern America. The equipment which will be used for realization of this project will satisfy the requirements of international standards EURO-III and EURO-IV that helps to exclude a negative influence on ecosystem and a process of reproduction of fish resources.

In conformity with a schedule for realization of the project, a reference point is considered to be the 2nd of January 2006 and a date of completion of works the 27th of December 2019. The first phase of investment stage is from August 2006 to the 31st of January 2014 and amounts to 7.6 billion dollars. During this time-frame we will have to lay pipelines that can take about 5 years from October 2008 to July 2013. The port transport technological complex for gas liquefaction will have been put into operation by February 2014. An increase in productive capacity of gas production and processing plants will continue till 2019 with operation life for 50 years. The field itself will be equipped using an underwater production complex (UPC) and sea plat-forms with a preliminary preparation of gas.

Now such preproject works as drawing up of the Declaration of Intentions, development of investment ground, research and development works for choosing the most appropriate variant of development of the field and gas transportation and also a search of contractors for production of necessary equipment are carried out. North America and European countries will be the main markets for liquefied gas.

Concerning the reduction of investments in the Stockman project from 18 to 8 billion rubles Yury Komarov said that it would not influence on scheduled time-frame of works. Funds which were appropriated by "Gazprom" joint-stock company for first and foremost arrangements are quite enough. They will be necessary at the end of the year when the designing of con-struction will start.

The main difficulties will be at sea

Before gas will go to the plant for gas liquefaction and to land pipeline it should be produced. By volume of capital in-vestments sea fishery will occupy a leading position (45% of all investments in sea complex will fall to its share). A sleet proof semi submersible drilling platform meant for a simultaneous drilling and exploitation of bores with provision of collars on the platform was chosen as a main technological element for gas production on the Stockman field. Use of platforms SPAR and TLP types are regarded as possible variants. The tender for building of two semi submersible drilling platforms has been already carried out. The winner became Vyborg shipyard. Foreign companies will also take part in provision of platforms with necessary facilities but only after contests. Platforms will be put into operation in series. Each platform will have 36 collars of wells, 24 of them will be drilled from the platform. Moreover, each platform will take gas from 12-16 wells with underwater completion. In all, each platform will produce 23.6 billion cubic meters per year. For producing 71 billion cubic meters we need 3 platforms and if the volume increases till 94 billion we will need 4 platforms and a compressor platform. In all, it is planned to build 144 wells, 3 control and 9 reserve wells.

We will have to lay 3 underwater gas pipelines 546 kilometers long from the site of gas production.

A plant for gas liquefaction will involve from 1-4 technological lines with capacity of 7.5 million tons per each. It is proposed to increase a production volume in accordance with a gas production volume from 7.5 million tons in 2014 till 30 million tons in 2020.

When the plant will work at full power and will produce 30 million tons of liquefied gas, we will need 20 gas carrying ves-sels for its transportation.

Well-boring of the 7th well on the west wing of Stockman field in July-September 2006 from a semi submersible drilling platform "Deepsea Delta" which was rented from Norwegian company "Norsk Hidro" became the final stage of searching drill-ing. Due to this well we could specify the structure of productive horizons, get information about filtration and capacitive charac-teristics of horizons in area extent of field. Now it is necessary to build production wells.

It is also important to show a social side of the project. It is planned to build 29 four-storey houses, 48 apartment houses, 2 kindergartens for 280 and 90 seats, 3 schools, a gymnastic complex with swimming pools and a gymnasium, a lei-sure center for 300 seats, a self-service store, a canteen, a point of domestic service, a hospital with 150 seats and a polyclinic in Teriberka. For inhabitants who occupy themselves with fishing they will build berths for ships of small size and a small fish processing plant. Due to cheap fuel the population will have central heating and a hot water-supply that will decrease a sum of communal bills. 200 workplaces with an average wage of 20000 rubles will be reserved for inhabitants.

A governor of Murmansk Region Mr. Yury Evdokimov thinks that it is necessary to open and register in Murmansk Re-gion a daughter enterprise of Sevmorneftegas" limited company, because taxes from its activity would transfer to the local budget.

Nevertheless, a consortium will be carried out

In autumn 2006 "Gazprom" joint-stock company decided to develop Stockman gas condensate field on its own, although, they did not exclude possibilities of foreign capital formation. As is well known Norwegian companies "Statoil" and "Hidro", American companies "Shevron" and "Conoco-Phillips" and also a French company "Total" ulcerated a wish to take part in the project. Some months later "Gazprom" joint-stock company chose the French one. On the 13th of July 2007 the acting chairman of the board of "Gazprom" joint-stock company Alexander Ananenkov, the president of "Total" holding company Christopher de Margery and the director general of Sevmorneftegas" limited company Yury Komarov signed a framework agreement on terms of cooperation in the sphere of development of the first phase of Stockman gas condensate field. According to this agreement at the end of 2007 parties will establish a Special Company for organization of designing, financing, building and exploitation of objects of the first phase of development of Stockman gas condensate field. This company will be an owner of the whole infra-structure during 25 years from the moment of putting the field into operation. A share of "Gazprom" joint-stock company in au-thorized capital stock is 75% and "Total" holding company has 25%. Upon completion of exploitation of the first phase of the field "Total" will give its share to "Gazprom" joint-stock company. According to this agreement other foreign partners with a cu-mulative share of 24% should take part in a consortium because of the decrease in "Gazprom" joint-stock company's share till 51%.

"Gazprom" joint-stock company saves all 100% of stocks of holding company for Stockman gas condensate field ("Sevmorneftegas" limited company) and all rights to marketing of output. It also remains an owner of all produced carbohy-drates. Relationships between the Special Company and "Sevmorneftegas" limited company will be based on a contract ac-cording to which this Special Company will bear all financial, geological and technological risks of gas and gas condensate pro-duction and their transportation and production of liquefied gas.

Speaking about the choice of "Gazprom" joint-stock company of "Tolat" a director general of "Sevmorneftegas" limited company Yury Komarov said that this company had a great relevant experience in realization of sea projects of oil and gas pro-duction. This company is a leading company in sea platforms building and development of modern equipment for underwater production of hydrocarbon material. Moreover, "Sevmorneftegas" limited company and "Total" holding company have joint ex-perience in realization of international projects of development of oil and gas fields.

Speaking about the second foreign participant of the project, we will probably know about it very soon (in September). Negotiations are carried on both with Norwegian companies "Statoil" and "Hidro" and an American company "Conoco-Phillips". It is also not necessarily that one of these companies will take part in the consortium. An Italian company "EniSpA" also wants to collaborate in the project. The company which offers the most appropriate terms will become a third participant of Stockman project.

Yury Banko

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