Dear readers!
You, certainly already notice, as far as the business life of Murmansk last years became more active and more various. It is necessary to list regional and international exhibitions. By the way and regional forums for a long time became international – in fact border is absolutely close and frontier cooperation even, it is possible to tell, has come in rules of a good form for the industrial world of Kola peninsula.
November release of magazine is traditionally devoted to the International specialized exhibition "SEVTEK-2007" and “BARENTS-PARTNERIAT” — to a forum of business partners on delivery of the goods and services of oil-and-gas branch.
For one the year since time "SEVTEK-2006", it’s much managed to be achieved in the international cooperation. The Murmansk government led by the governor asserted rights Murman citizens on frontier cooperation in oil-and-gas branch — in fact all clearly, what value Stockman deposit has a for development of Murmansk area. Making comments on the decision on occurrence “StatoilHidro” in structure of a consortium on development of Stockman deposit, the governor of Murmansk area Jury Evdokimov has noted, that "It means, that relations of Russia and Norway have special character" and has emphasized, that the Murmansk area during last 20 years brought and continues to bring the special contribution to frontier business cooperation.
"We always expressed confidence that experience of our neighbors on development of the Arctic shelf will be claimed in Russia, - has noticed J.Evdokimov, - and before acceptance of this decision have not turned off any of long-term joint programs with "Statoil" - in the field of ecology, preparation of experts on development of a shelf, creation of a network of the future suppliers, social and cultural projects, etc. " He has emphasized: "We are glad to ascertain, that the prompt formation and the beginning of work of the international consortium will approach development of Stockman deposit, so, transition to qualitatively new stage of development of Murmansk area ".
Thus, it is obvious, that our industrial exhibitions and interexhibition activity as meetings, seminars, working groups and so forth, undoubtedly, promote revival and blossoming of the Kola North.
Since the old days it is accepted In Russia to manage the big affairs by «All World». Journalists «The Industrial NORTH magazine», as well as authors of the most part of articles are active participants of this work. They not simply inform the readers on events of the business world, but find that who solved a problem, agrees to share on pages of magazine the experience with colleagues. It is pleasant, when business does not become an obstacle to association.
Let's wish each other successes. Together we shall make Murman prospering!
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