Development of the Arctic shelf resources Печать E-mail

The strategic future development of the Arctic shelf resources has no alternatives, and the global financial crisis on these processes will not be affected.

However, in the medium term, taking into account the technological opportunities, introduction of new strategic assets, including the Shtokman field is likely to shift at least 5 years, until 2017.

The financial crisis has complicated the possibility of implementing costly projects, reduced capitalization and creditworthiness of the biggest commodity companies, but due to the stability of the real sector of the economy and reducing the proven hydrocarbon reserves of developed countries, the demand for energy would recover in the next 3-4 years. For domestic economic development of Western Arctic shelf is a long-term strategic need to consolidate the position as at the critical areas, and significant improvement in the dynamics of innovation, including the forecasting of climate change.

In the medium term, even with the active involvement of foreign experience in the oil and gas sector in terms of lower prices and lack of ready solutions for production in the presence of ice cover and the possibility of the appearance of icebergs, as well as transportation over long distances at sub-zero temperatures of the water can not find quick design solutions with affordable rates profitability. With regard to temporal characteristics, it shows the work of operators on the Norwegian shelf, since the approval of the project before receiving the first production runs of at least seven years.

Given the structure of hydrocarbon reserves offshore Western Arctic and the need for export diversification is the most promising North American market (SAR) of liquefied natural gas (LNG). However, given the strong tendency to reduce the energy intensity of production of developed countries and the prices reasonable application of economic instruments, which can serve as a production sharing agreements and special economic zones.

At the present time as the dominant oil and gas for the Russian economy is the European market, which exported more than 90% of these products.

Started the movement in the Asia-Pacific market from the standpoint of diversification should be complemented by the development of exports of liquefied natural gas to the SAR from the Arctic basin. This contributed to two factors. The first - that its own reserves of natural gas in the United States almost exhausted, as the closest strategic partner, Canada, has a high predictive security only for oil. Second - the need for domestic companies to the development of high-tech industries, while exports increased mobility, while maritime transport of LNG in terms of value are comparable with respect to pipeline transport.

However, both the European Union and the United States create a strategic program to reduce energy intensity of GDP by 2025 no less than 30%. In America, additionally planned in the same period to provide up to 30% of the total needs of technology (bio) gas. Under these conditions, very likely the long-term trend of declining natural gas prices and increasing difficulties with the formation of consortia, and credit in the development of complex Arctic shelf. Production sharing agreements in such circumstances can make an important economic tool for filling financial projects. However, the categorical requirement should be a regulatory target of the projects involve the operators of domestic companies - manufacturers of the equipment.

With regard to domestic calls, the last 10 years has reduced public support for the northern territories, including the Murmansk region. The centralization of state administration and budgetary flows, accompanied by the harmonization of approaches to the region, while the specific business environment and livelihoods in the North will not disappear.

Following the approval of the Government of the Russian Federation (Decree of April 1, 2005 № 176) «Regulation reimbursement for the cost of travel» most of the retirees could not exercise their right to compensation for travel on vacation, because no possibility of acquiring tickets to the place of organized recreation or wishes spend your vacation in other places (homes of their relatives and others).

In the field of labor relations in the North from the federal government and management a clear trend emerged from the deletion of existing regulations prevailing standards in the northern regions, or a substantial revision of these standards, significantly reducing their effectiveness.

The prime example is the adoption of the Federal Law of 22 August 2004 № 122-FZ, which was eliminated the guarantee, which provides payment of youth (persons under age 30) per cent premium to pay in full on the first day of work in the Far North and similar areas where they have lived in these areas and areas not less than five years, the rule that establishes the right to free air transportation once a year there and back Some students with full-time student and postgraduate students of public and municipal higher education institutions, students for full-time form of training, residents of northern areas.

On the other hand, most of the documents are no laws, and regulations of executive bodies of state power. The result is a lack of systematic and stability in the legal regulation of the development of many North. There is a widespread failure to perform or improper performance of the instruments adopted, there is no proper control and responsibility for them. For example, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of 7 March 2000 № 198 «The concept of state support for economic and social development of regions of the North» virtually not carried out.

Clear trend towards the gradual elimination of a separate federal law regulating the problems of the North (the Federal Law «On the foundations of state regulation of social and economic development of the Russian North Federation»has ceased operation in 2005) and the removal of other federal laws specific rules on this subject.

With regard to the third direction, i.e. the interaction with corporations, the challenges and possible threats, but it is in a tough market battle. It may be recalled that in 2001-2002, the projected pattern of oil transportation in the North American market via the port of Murmansk on all fronts (economic, environmental, diversification of supply, etc.) exceeded the Baltic pipeline system but the political choice was made in favor of the latter.



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