How to berate staff if you need it |
Head rarely swears without purpose simply because he or bastard or loves racing suit. No of course sometimes this occurs but I assure you, it is extremely rare.Approximately there are two to three head on hundred. However, without anger or expressions of discontent cannot do any of the head - it is a fact. If the supervisor has no «takes the gills», if he tries to be a «good for all» then it will not be able to keep their people in the desired course of action to keep them in line. The workshops, which I provide for managers and owners of businesses, I constantly meet with the confusion among these wonderful people. They are often difficult to allow self-contradiction - how to put scolding to Officer (for the cause, of course) to bring him in a sense, to give rise to life and make a right angle to look at your mistakes and correct them. But this does not destroy the moral rights, not to crush it and do not add the injustice in his already difficult life. And it's true. How lives an ordinary worker? He is looking for stability. He finds the service, which is not very difficult for him or which causes him concern. At worst - just allow making ends meet. Most ordinary people will never rises to the point of view of the owners or managers of business - it is another kind of a reality for them. Many people always do not agree with the owner goals, he did not always understand the meaning of company existence. It is simply a game for his own survival. A husband or wife is waiting for at home. It is necessary to pay for an apartment, buy food and clothes. Children have problems in school. Mom is ill. Interesting cinema went in the city's displays. Life starts after work and it is not very happy, so it sometimes gives a fun thing. The machine is pink; it should be fix and it is a fun. This is life. And work is on the work. It would wonderful to do less and get more money! This is, incidentally, not sedition. It is normal for a human train of thought. «How to work three shifts and to become rich at once» - this formula is not working.And when people begin to stretch he feels that its stability can be compromised. In any case, anger is perceived negatively. What to say, the mere expression of disapproval of a person may destroy, if it is done incorrectly. Would you be interested to know how to make the will of the entire accumulated anger, not only to find that person with a common language but also make sure that in his heart does not add another dagger? L. Ron Hubbard in his works on the administration uses such words as «being». Being - this is the role of man then who or what he is. Being examples are his name, qualifications, experience, education, character traits, abilities, etc. Man someone is (he has his being). Being someone he is doing something. And as a result of his actions he has some results. So, person being for him has much more importance than his actions or results. I am talking about the feelings of their own rights. When the leader attacks staff beings - he almost killed him, just spread. «You're nobody. You are incapable. You're a bad worker. You never get anything. I am well aware that you are unable to cope. You are not qualified for this work, in vain I hope you », etc. These are examples of how to attack the person and nothing to achieve in terms of clear his mind. He simply just have a protest and negative. He does not think himself so and he would disagree with you, a priori. What would you say he did not - he did not understand. You need to learn to clearly separate the being, actions and results. Many times you can attack the poor performance of labor, and unskilled actions, you will never cause injury to vulnerable soul, if you will actively support his being. Hubbard writes about it so: «Provide being - means to be able or willing to allow someone to be so, by whom he is. Listen to what he wants to tell someone else and try to understand it, be courteous and refrain from unnecessary criticism, expressing admiration for, to show sympathy - are examples of human action, which provides another being. Accepting a person for the right to be who he is, or confirm it. The ability to provide people being is one of the greatest human virtues». You could say something like (in anger): «Are you - my best engineer! I trust you more! I do not know the man who could do such a project better than you! But what you have done - complete nonsense, it is as if you had not even done! I am amazed! Quickly reshape everything! Set at a level where you really can and no excuses!!!» And people do not resentment, do you understand? You gave him being and smeared on the wall of low-quality result. Man is gaining the post, took a new role, and enhances his skills. He is constantly trying (if not trying) to adopt a new, higher being.However, the ability to provide being others is the ability of a higher order. It is more important to society. Improve the ability to host you make a world around them better and happier. And you become richer. Vadim Malchikov , Founder of Central training company
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