Prospects of oil and gas presence in the Barents-Black sea shelf on the basis of the analysis of the depth genetic factors |
PAVLYUK M.I., MYTROPOLSKY A.YU., FEDOROVSKY YU.F. With the purpose of ascertaining the prospects of oil and gas presence in the Arctic space waters a special expedition of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has carried out the long geological-geophysical investigations of the Barents-Kara Sea plate The work was executed to order and with participation of the geologists from Arcticmorneftegazrozvedka. A tectonic regionalization of the Barents Sea shelf lithosphere was carried out according to data of 3D-geoconsolidation modeling [1], heat flows and a structure of astenosphere were studied [2], and characteristic features of a depth structure were investigated as well as a geodynamic evolution and formation of the tectonic structure of the region [3]. Besides, the low-amplitude dislocations in a sedimentary complex of the Barents Sea and their role in oil and gas accumulation were studied. Over the last years the practical experience of the prospecting work for oil and gas has confirmed with confidence our theoretical suppositions about the prospects of oil and gas presence in the region. Exactly in zones of unconsolidation of the lithosphere and the mantle in the sedimentary cover the large and gigantic deposits of gas and condensate were found. Incidentally, more often they were multilayered and situated on the deposit at different depth levels that proves once more the well-known "Kudryavtsev's rale". A comparison of geodynamics and oil and gas presence in the Barents Sea and the Sea of Azov-the Black Sea pericontinental shells of the east European Platform, conducted by us over the past years, has revealed both many common features and differences in the conditions of oil and gas presence of these regions. But in both the prospects of oil and gas presence were mainly determined by the lithosphere evolution and the depth genetic criteria. ARCTIC SHELF OIL AND GAS CONFERENCE 2004
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