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Many people speak of the dynamic development of the Murmansk region in connection with the development of the Shtokman gas condensate field. Foreign partners carefully watch the development stages of deposits on the Arctic shelf and moreover are directly involved in the project. Shtokman gas condensate field is one of the largest in the world. It is located in the central part of the Russian sector of the Barents shelf seas. Its proven reserves are 3.7 trillion cubic meters of gas and more than 31 million tons of gas condensate.Currently the value of these reserves is estimated at 16 billion dollars but potentially over 6-7 years this amount could increase by 2-3 times. The first deliveries of gas from Shtokman will be implemented in 2012. Previously, it was reported that potential partners for the project first phase SHGKM, which includes construction of a plant for liquefying natural gas will be: Statoil (Norway), Total (France), Chevron (USA), Hydro (Norway), ConocoPhillips (United States). Then the Government decided to remove from the project all the foreign companies. However, foreign partners can act as subcontractors. The reserves of the deposit in category C1 + C2, as approved by the State Commission on Reserves of mineral resources of Russian Federation Ministry of Natural Resources in January 2006 amount to 3.7 trillion cu. meters of gas and more than 31 million tons of gas condensate. Statoil to 24 February must provide "Gazprom" final proposal for the development of the Shtokman field. Senior vice president of the Norwegian Henrik Carlsen told this to journalists. According to him, the first phase of Shtokman development includes the production of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and in the second stage - pipeline transportation of gas in St. Petersburg and from there via the North European Gas Pipeline (NEGP) in Europe. In the third stage is considered a combination of production and transportation of LNG gas pipeline. Currently considered the idea of building a plant to produce LNG on land as well as directly to an offshore platform. Shtokman deposit will become the resource base for Russian gas exports to Europe through the construction pipeline Nord Stream.
Development of Shtokman deposit «Gazprom» will maintain its own without attracting foreign partners. «Subsoil users Shtokman field to 100% will be «Gazprom». For a long time, «Gazprom» consider the possibility of 49% in the Shtokman project to foreign companies. However foreign companies were not able to provide the assets relevant to volume and quality of stocks of the Shtokman field. The development of this field will be use of modern technology and technical solutions including the production of LNG. For these purposes as contractors will be called authoritative international companies. The most important condition of the contract would be treaty adherence to deadlines and cost. This is a solution is an additional guarantee of the reliability of Russian gas supplies to Europe for the long term, and proof that the European market for the company is a leading value », - said Alexey Miller. Foreign partners are taking a very active part in the project for Shtokman gas condensate field, putting a lot of investment not only in the process of development but also training providers for the oil and gas industry. For example, a Russian company, “Red Star Consulting” has received a grant from Barents Secretariat in the amount of 120 000 Norwegian kroner (about 500 thousand rubles) for the project "Feasibility study for establishing a system of qualification of suppliers for oil and gas industry." As the director Information Center in Arkhangelsk Barents Andrew Shalev said to news agency REGNUM funding was made possible through the active participation of companies in the international oil and gas cooperation between Russia and Norway. "The relevance of this project is obvious especially in light of recent decisions "Gazprom" on all foreign and Russian participants in the project development of the Arctic shelf just as suppliers and contractors - said Shalev. - Begin the first phase of Shtokman development and the development of other deposits of the Arctic shelf requires the training of qualified local businesses and companies that are able to assume the bulk of the work for supply of goods and services for oil and gas resources to develop the Barents region. Bringing management systems in line with international standards and corporate standards of Gazprom as well as qualifications in international oil and gas registers is a key element in the preparation of suppliers." The successful implementation of this project in the “Red Star Consulting” has established a working group of 4 experts. The project is estimated at 3 months and a market research Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions and identification of the needs of regional enterprises in the certification in line with international standards of ISO and industry standard Gasprom-9000. The work is currently underway to compile a database of enterprises and companies in the region who are interested in obtaining consulting support for the diagnosis, evaluation and audit management systems and bring them into line with international and Russian standards. "Red Star Consulting is planning to present the results of a feasibility study in a report at the international conference “Oil and Gas of Arctic Shelf (Arktikshelf 2006)” to be held in Murmansk on 15-17 November. What will happen to foreign partners future will show. Now is the time to talk about suppliers of oil and gas industry will involved in the further development of oil and gas industry, related to the Shtokman field.
In the Murmansk region not so long ago was establish a non-profit organization "Association of Oil and Gas Industry" Murmanshelf. "Establishment of the Association" Murmanshelf "is one of the areas of cooperation under the Memorandum of Understanding on technical and economic cooperation between the Government of the Murmansk region and the Norwegian oil and gas company “Statoil ASA” signed by the Governor of the Murmansk region Yuri Yevdokimov during his visit to the Kingdom of Norway 18 August 2005. According to the Memorandum of Understanding, and in accordance with the initiatives of the Government of the Murmansk Region was established ad hoc Working Group on the implementation of the program development of a network of suppliers for oil and gas industry. The working group includes representatives of the Government of Murmansk Region, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Murmansk region and company Statoil. The Association established the Department of Industry and Transport of Murmansk Region, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (employers) in the Murmansk Region and the Northern Chamber of Commerce. The purpose of the organization is to provide information for regional businesses and prepare them as a vendor in the upcoming contracts in the oil and gas sector in the region as well as coordination between suppliers and main contractors. The main task is to prepare a regional supplier to a broad-based participation in contracts for the supply of goods and services in the offshore and on shore, linked to the implementation of the Shtokman project to produce LNG. There will also be taken into account and other construction projects, and large objects on the territory of the Murmansk region. The goal is that "Murmanshelf will assist regional businesses in enhancing their competence as a supplier of goods and services for oil and gas industry. This will be achieved as a direct consultations and organizing a series of seminars to examine the requirements for entering into contracts in the petrochemical industry. To date, applications for membership in the Association of Oil and Gas «Murmanshelf» filed 62 businesses and organizations. Among them - JSC «Murmansk Shipping Company», shipyard «Nerpa», JSC «Severtransstroy», JSC «Kolenergostroyremont», LLC «Logistics Base «DIAL», LLC «Sevkabel-Murmansk», FSUE ACT «Arktika» from Severodvinsk and others. Also, the association entered the research institutions in the region: The Mountain Institute and the Institute for Economic Problems of the Kola Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences. «Our association is primarily regionally oriented, - said deputy director of the Association of Oil and Gas Suppliers« Murmanshelf » Alexey Fadeev. - We are open to all organizations and enterprises that could become suppliers to the oil and gas industry in our region». In the long-term association «Murmanshelf» intends to cooperate with universities leading the training of highly skilled manpower for the oil and gas industry. Such an institution in the region has one - Murmansk State Technical University, the Murmansk business portal. Each year, Association «Murmanshelf» is planned to hold a minimum of four training workshops for its members on various issues. The closest seminar on «The international quality systems: the basic requirements for the suppliers to the oil and gas industry» held in late September. The seminar was attended by leading experts of oil and gas companies of «Gazprom» and «Statoil». "The creation of a non-profit association «Murmanshelf» additional opportunities for the suppliers of the Murmansk region", - argues the general director of Association of Gregory Stratiy.
He as well as the head of the Department of Industry and Transport Ministry of Defense Sergey Leus said that projects to develop the Shtokman and other fields suggest the development of large-scale investment. Their implementation will require the involvement of businesses (it is desirable that this was the region) to supply steel structures, equipment, provision of research and other services. «The Association will unite our efforts and help a number of local (perhaps small) businesses to take part in this great project - continues to G. Stratiy. - The volume of investments that are expected to learn in the Shtokman project has not yet been approved. Investment in the construction of LNG and pipeline were evaluated prior to 4.4 billion dollars but today the declaration of intent altered in the light of changing plans for the pipeline to Gazprom». In the near future, the government of Murmansk Region hope the region will be offered for discussion. First gas from Shtokman is scheduled to appear in about 2012 and to this date must be prepared in advance. The challenges that will face potential Russian suppliers of oil and gas industry has identified Konoplyov Vladimir head of the department of development of JSC «Murmansk shipyard-SDS». We recall that in 2004 this company earned the right to be included in an international register of suppliers of oil and gas industry «Achilles» so that he clarifies the situation based on personal experience. "Membership in the Association «Murmanshelf» does not guarantee opportunity to become a real supplier - said V. Konoplev. - International oil and gas sector presents a number of requirements without the execution of which it is impossible to enter in the number of suppliers. Clearly seen its direct interest in the use of cheap labor from Russia. Competition in our country is built on three main criteria: price, quality and deadlines, and to participate in international projects require a fourth - security. I am talking about safety, environment, and enforcement of fire norms shipyard submitted to international organizations bunch of instructions on security requirements that we meet but it was explained there must be a document that reaffirmed. Create it today, we in Russia but it is very difficult, therefore, it be appropriate to approve under a specific project. International companies in the same place more stringent security requirements than the Russian structures. We know that Gazprom intends to establish a standard similar to ISO-9000. None of the international organizations will invest in the potential suppliers because this is a big risk. But when the Russian company won the tender then it will reimburse the investment of his own investments. Must be an agreement evidenced by certain obligations and is another obstacle to entering the network providers - lack of skilled labor. This problem is of national importance, in its decision must be included and the regional authorities and business community." A critical role in the development of the Shtokman field development will play the Murmansk transport hub. Reconstruction of port dredging permit to take vessels of not less than 200 thousand tons and under favorable the circumstances - and up to 300 thousand tons In the network of a new direction it is oil and gas. In the Murmansk region will construct oil complexes with total capacity of nearly 20 million tons of oil. Creates good preconditions for the transformation of the port of Murmansk in Russia a major transshipment port for the transportation of goods to Europe. 7-8 years ago are processed approximately 7-9 million tons of cargo, now - more than 20 million tons. Today, in accordance with the request of the Russian government worked out a general scheme of development of the Murmansk transport hub, which involves increasing the power of cargo by 2010 2-2,5-fold to 45 million tons by 2015-55-60 million tons. In Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Economic Development is now under development changes and additions to existing law on the special economic zone and if the State Duma will support the bill the Murmansk port will be more consistent with the requirements of the SEZ. That is, there is a real possibility of entering into them. Now the region is working to create the necessary documentation. From the perspective of economists, to improve the efficiency of each potential supplier Neftegas and the structure - «Murmanshelfa» is need to create a union of interconnected companies and institutions. The decision to establish the Association of suppliers Murmansk region can be considered as the initial stage of formation of industrial clusters that can significantly enhance the competitiveness of the region, will give a new impetus to the development of regional economy.
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